Concurrence of prune belly syndrome with meningomyelocele. perspective to this concurrence. Keywords: Prune Belly syndrome, Meningomyelocele, New-born, Congenital anomaly. Accepted - [PDF Document] (2024)

Concurrence of prune belly syndrome with meningomyelocele. perspective to this concurrence. Keywords: Prune Belly syndrome, Meningomyelocele, New-born, Congenital anomaly. Accepted - [PDF Document] (1)

Concurrence of prune belly syndrome with meningomyelocele.

Melekoglu NA*, Sivasli E

Division of Neonatology, Department of Paediatrics, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey


Prune Belly Syndrome (PBS) comprises a triad of abdominal wall deficiency, urogenital abnormalitiesand cryptorchidism. Neurologic abnormalities are unusual in prune belly syndrome. Here, we report arare association of meningomyelocele with prune belly syndrome and provide an embryologicperspective to this concurrence.

Keywords: Prune Belly syndrome, Meningomyelocele, New-born, Congenital anomaly.Accepted on August 8, 2016

IntroductionPrune Belly Syndrome (PBS), also known as Eagle Barrettsyndrome, is a rare congenital disorder characterized by a triadof abdominal wall deficiency, urological abnormalities and inmale cases, bilateral cryptorchidism. The live birth prevalenceis 3, 2 per 100000 and it is four times higher in twins.Furthermore, there is male sex dominance in reported cases[1]. Uterine or vagin*l anomalies can be seen in affectedfemales instead of cryptorchidism. Cardiovascular, respiratory,gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal anomalies can beassociated with prune belly syndrome [2]. Neurologic featuresare uncommon in prune belly syndrome. Herein, we describe aterm neonate whom diagnosed as prune belly syndrome withmeningomyelocele and pulmonary hypoplasia. To the best ofour knowledge, this is a very rare case of prune belly syndromeassociated with meningomyelocele.

Case ReportThe male neonate was delivered by caesarean section at 38th

gestational week to a 27 year old mother. He weighed 2220 g(<10 p), his length was 51 cm (75-90 p) and headcircumference was 37 cm (>90 p). Apgar scores were 4 and 7at 1st and 5th minute, respectively. He was intubated because ofrespiratory distress in delivery room and admitted to neonatalintensive care unit. On physical examination, he had intercostalretractions with narrow thorax cavity, an enlarged and splayedabdomen, bilateral cryptorchidism and 4.0 × 6.0 cm sizedlumbosacral meningomyelocele as shown in Figure 1. Therewas a very thin layer on the defect. In lower extremities therewas no voluntary motion and deep tendon reflexes were absent.Prenatal ultrasonography was detected oligohydramnios,lumbosacral meningomyelocele and hydrocephaly. Familyhistory was unremarkable and no paternal consanguinity.Posteroanterior X ray graphy revealed hemi vertebra on 3rd

lumbar vertebra and vertebral fusion defects as shown inFigure 2.

Figure 1. Clinical appearance of narrow thorax and large andsplayed abdomen.

Figure 2. Chest radiograph shows vertebral anomalies andventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter.


Biomedical Research 2017; 28 (4): 1514-1516

1514Biomed Res- India 2017 Volume 28 Issue 4

Concurrence of prune belly syndrome with meningomyelocele. perspective to this concurrence. Keywords: Prune Belly syndrome, Meningomyelocele, New-born, Congenital anomaly. Accepted - [PDF Document] (2)

Echocardiography showed 4 mm secundum atrial septal defectand pulmonary hypertension with 47-52 mmHg pulmonaryartery pressure, an intact interventricular septum, no persistentductus arteriosus. Cerebral and spinal magnetic resonanceimages revealed Chiari type 2 malformation, hydrocephaly,and postoperative changes in lumbosacral region, enlargementof the bladder and also lack of abdominal wall muscles asshown in Figures 3 and 4.

Figure 3. Spinal MRI image shows post operative changes inlumbosacral region, enlargement of the bladder and also lack ofabdominal wall muscles.

Figure 4. Serebral MRI image shows hydrocephaly and Chiari type 2malformations.

He underwent two operations; first for closing the lumbosacraldefect and second for the replacement of ventriculoperitonealshunt catheter. At the operation room on day postnatal 1, whileplacing umbilical venous catheter by paraumblical cut down,the paediatric surgeons noticed the absence of abdominalmuscular wall.

His urine output only possible with catheter, otherwiseoliguria, urinary retention and glob vesicale occurs. Urinaryultrasonography showed enlargement of bladder and mildhydroureteronephrosis in left renal pelvis. Although his serumcreatinine levels were normal and full enteral feeding with novomiting; hypocalcaemia, hypophosphatemia, hypokalaemia,hypomagnesaemia and in urine analysis, proteinuria andhaematuria persisted. These symptoms suggested renal

tubulopathy. Drug induced tubulopathy ruled out. Electrolyteimbalance was treated with potassium phosphate, calciumlactate and magnesium sulphate replacement.

He was diagnosed as prune belly syndrome and concurrence oflumbosacral meningomyeloce based on present findings. Atpostnatal 54th day, he died from sepsis and respiratoryinsufficiency. From birth to death, he required ventilationsupport in high inspiratory pressures.

DiscussionPrune belly syndrome is a rare congenital disease whichconsists triad of absence of abdominal wall muscles, bilateralundescended testes and urologic anomalies. Clinicalpresentation varies according to concomitant morbidities ofother systems. Perinatal mortality rates ranges between 10-25%[3]. Due to lower urinary tract obstruction in antenatal period,oligohydramnios shows poor renal function as amniotic fluid iscrucial to pulmonary development.

Prune belly syndrome’s pathogenesis includes urethralobstruction and a mesodermal developmental defect but theexact etiology is unknown. Obstructive theory supports thatsevere bladder or distal ureter obstruction causeshydronephrosis and megacystis, results thinning of abdominalwall and undescended testis due to decrease of intraabdominalpressure [4]. The second theory is the failure of mesodermaldevelopment [5]. Also, genetic and environmental factors mayplay a role in the pathogenesis of prune belly syndrome [6].

In embryonic period, notochord derives from mesoderm layerduring gastrulation phase. Mesoderm is responsible for theformation of dermis, striated skeletal muscles, urogenital(mesonephrons), pulmonary and cardiac systems, otherwise. Itis well known that notochord and somites are the mostsignificant structures responsible for development of futurevertebral column. Alterations in this embryologic phase canresult in one or more congenital anomalies. Genitourinarysystem is the most affected system with congenital anomaliesof the spine [7].

Meningomyelocele is one of the most common central nervoussystem congenital anomaly. It is characterized by theherniation of a part of spinal cord and meningeal structuresthrough an open spinal canal. Meningomyelocele is usuallyassociated with hindbrain anomalies, hydrocephaly, bladderand bowel dysfunctions and orthopaedic deformities. In thiscase, in addition to prune belly syndrome, meningomyelocele,Chiari type 2 malformations and hydrocephaly identified.

Concurrence of prune belly syndrome with central nervoussystem anomalies is unusual. Only a few report noticed thisassociation. First, Heffner reported two male cases which hadabsence of abdominal muscles and in collaboration withmicrocephaly and polymicrogyria [8]. Later Cenani reported aPBS case with meningomyelocele and discussed probability ofa new syndrome [9]. Navarro-Arenas et al. reported a 45 yearold man with prune belly syndrome who had schizencephalyand bihemispheric heterotopia and they discussed about


1515 Biomed Res- India 2017 Volume 28 Issue 4

Concurrence of prune belly syndrome with meningomyelocele. perspective to this concurrence. Keywords: Prune Belly syndrome, Meningomyelocele, New-born, Congenital anomaly. Accepted - [PDF Document] (3)

presence of other embryonic tissues involvement besides themesoderm layer [10].

As a consequence, in this case, we report a term neonatediagnosed as prune belly syndrome with meningomyeloceleand pulmonary hypoplasia. There are only a few instances hasbeen reported with this concurrence until now.

ConclusionTo the best of our knowledge, association ofmeningomyelocele and prune belly syndrome is very rare.Therefore, we reported this case and according to our opinion,concurrence of these two rare conditions can be explained withthe common embryologic pathway. If organ systems that eitheroriginate from the same embryologic germ layer or develop atthe same time are affected, this will result with associateddefects.

References1. Druschel CM. A descriptive study of prune belly in New

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2. Hassett S, Smith GHH, Holland AJA. Prune BellySyndrome. Pediatr Surg Int 2012; 28:219-228.

3. Seidel NE, Arlen AM, Smith EA, Kirsch AJ. Clinicalmanifestations and management of prune belly syndrome ina large contemporary paediatric population. Urol 2015; 85:211-215.

4. Xu W, Wu H, Wang DX, Mu ZH. A case of prune bellysyndrome. Pediatr Neonatol 2015; 56: 193-196.

5. Ives EJ. The abdominal muscle deficiency triad syndrome-experience with ten cases. Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser1974; 10: 127-135.

6. Tonni G, Ida V, Alessandro V, Bonasoni MP. Prune-Bellysyndrome: case series and review of the literature regardingearly prenatal diagnosis, epidemiology, genetic factors,treatment, and prognosis. Fetal Pediatr Pathol 2013;31:13-24.

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10. Navarro-Arenas GA, Orozco-Valera DR, Chiquete E, Ruiz-Sandoval JL. Prune belly and schizencephaly. Neurology2014; 83: 665.

*Correspondence toMelekoglu NA

Division of Neonatology

Department of Paediatrics

Gaziantep University



Concurrence of prune belly syndrome with meningomyelocele

1516Biomed Res- India 2017 Volume 28 Issue 4

Concurrence of prune belly syndrome with meningomyelocele. perspective to this concurrence. Keywords: Prune Belly syndrome, Meningomyelocele, New-born, Congenital anomaly. Accepted - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the life expectancy of a person with prune belly syndrome? ›

Prognosis depends on the extent of the condition, your child's age, and your child's overall health. Some babies with prune belly syndrome may be stillborn. Other babies born with prune belly syndrome may not live more than a few months past birth. Even with treatment, some children may develop kidney failure.

Can you fix prune belly syndrome? ›

Most babies need several surgeries to repair the abdominal wall, genitals (to lower your boy's testicl*s into the scrotum) and bladder and other urinary tract problems (urinary tract reconstruction).

What is the new name for prune belly syndrome? ›

Prune belly syndrome, also known as triad syndrome or Eagle-Barrett syndrome, is characterized by three abnormalities: Poor development of the abdominal muscles.

What is prune belly syndrome? ›

Prune belly syndrome is a group of rare birth defects that involves these three main problems: Poor development of the abdominal muscles, causing the skin of the belly area to wrinkle like a prune. Undescended testicl*s. Urinary tract problems.

Is prune belly syndrome a disability? ›

If you or your dependent(s) are diagnosed with Prune Belly Syndrome and experience any of these symptoms, you may be eligible for disability benefits from the U.S. Social Security Administration.

Is prune belly syndrome rare? ›

Prune belly syndrome (PBS) is a rare condition that affects about 1 in every 50,000 children. PBS affects the belly (abdominal) muscles, bladder and testicl*s. The name comes from the wrinkled appearance of the belly, which some children have, which can look like a prune. Nearly all babies (95%) with PBS are males.

Can females have prune belly syndrome? ›

The analysis of these cases suggests that urethral obstruction is an important factor contributing to the development of the prune belly syndrome in females.

What is the urology of prune belly syndrome? ›

Prune belly syndrome (PBS) is a rare congenital disorder that principally occurs in males and has the following three characteristic features [1, 2] : Deficiency or absence of abdominal muscles. Urological abnormalities (eg, megaureter, hydroureter, hydronephrosis, vesicoureteral reflux, megacystis)

What are the findings of prune belly syndrome on ultrasound? ›

The diagnosis of prune belly syndrome is made in utero using ultrasonography. In the neonate, the diagnosis is made on the basis of characteristic clinical findings. The diagnosis should be suspected in the fetus when US imaging reveals a characteristic enlarged bladder, dilated ureters, and an abnormal abdominal wall.

Is prune belly inherited? ›

Prune belly syndrome is caused by genetic mutations, also known as pathogenic variants. Genetic mutations can be hereditary, when parents pass them down to their children, or they may occur randomly when cells are dividing.

What is the most common anomaly associated with prune belly syndrome? ›

Prune belly syndrome, also known as triad syndrome or Eagle-Barrett syndrome, consists of a triad of anomalies found almost exclusively in newborn boys: (1) absent or hypoplastic abdominal wall musculature, (2) bilateral cryptorchidism, and (3) dilation of the urinary tract.

What is a variant of prune belly syndrome? ›

Prune belly–like variant

Some studies have reported abdominal wall defects without urologic anomalies. This defect involves only the abdominal wall muscles, in particular the internal and external obliques, as well as the transversalis muscles. In contrast with prune belly syndrome, the rectus muscles are not involved.

What is the surgery for prune belly syndrome? ›

Surgical treatment includes abdominoplasty, bilateral orchiopexy, and the treatment of urinary abnormalities. Surgery is usually performed around the age of 1 year (1). In addition to its esthetic benefits, abdominal wall reconstruction helps to improve respiratory function and facilitates defecation.

What are the long term effects of stomach gripping? ›

What you might not realize, though, is that there's a medical term for this action, and that doing it too often or for too long can have health implications. “Stomach gripping,” as it's called, can lead to back pain, breathing issues and other concerns.

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