Here Are All The Answers For Side-by-side Collaboration On Social Media Crossword Clue To Help You Solve (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

Side-by-side collaboration on social media should be the answer to the crossword puzzle: TIKTOKDUET (10 letters).

Crossword puzzles are a great way to pass the time, challenge yourself, and develop your brain all at once. Of course, there are occasions when a crossword clue completely eludes us, whether it's because the topic is completely foreign to us or we're just blanking out. collaborating in tandem on social media.

This answer was last seen in the USA Today Crossword on January 19, 2023. Of order to find the proper solution, you should compare the length of the answers below with the necessary length in the crossword problem you are working on.

To learn more about crosswords:


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Read the excerpt from “On Women’s Right to Vote,” an 1873 speech by Susan B. Anthony.

And when 100 or 1,000,000 people enter into a free government, they do not barter away their natural rights; they simply pledge themselves to protect each other in the enjoyment of them, through prescribed judicial and legislative tribunals.

Which quotation correctly uses ellipsis to shorten Anthony’s words?


The people enter into a free government, they do not barter away their natural rights; they simply pledge themselves to protect each other in the enjoyment of them, through prescribed judicial and legislative tribunals.

What are Ellipses?

Ellipses are the use of (. . .) or dot dot dot as a means to omit some parts of the statement/ sentence. This is done when the whole sentence can be understood even without the presence of the omitted words.

In her speech, she invoked the preamble to the United States' Constitution, and how it was addressed to everyone "we, the people" and not just to the male citizens.

Therefore, The people enter into a free government, they do not barter away their natural rights; they simply pledge themselves to protect each other in the enjoyment of them, through prescribed judicial and legislative tribunals.

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How do social media influencers promote products? (5 sentences)


People with large social media followings who are able to influence their audience are called influencers. Brands use influencers to promote their products and services through paid advertisem*nts and endorsem*nts.

How do marketers use social media influencers?

Influencers on social media have developed into potent tools for advertising and marketing campaigns. These influencers are able to reach a large number of people because they have devoted and large social media followings.

They can assist in organically and authentically disseminating a brand's message, thereby increasing the brand's visibility and giving it a chance to interact with its intended audience.

Utilizing their personal brand, influencers can assist in product or service promotion, review dissemination, and content creation that resonates with their followers. Potential customers' awareness, trust, and loyalty to the brand may rise as a result.

Learn more about social media:


what do you call an occupied restroom on an airplane


A hypotenuse (High-Pot-In-Use!) Source an occupied restroom on an airplane.

It is a widely accepted phrase on an aircraft that may carry passengers who speak a great variety of various first languages and English dialects. I believe lavatories are used on aeroplanes instead of "restrooms" because England was the first anglophone nation to operate a passenger aircraft with a toilet. A small space on board an aeroplane containing a toilet and sink is known as an aviation lavatory or plane toilet. Except for few short-haul flights, they are prevalent on passenger flights. Historically, chemical toilets were used on aircraft, but many of them now employ a vacuum flush system. Amember of the Vickers Wellington crew of the Royal Air Force during World War 2.

To know more about aeroplane refer :


How to make these three sentences into one sentence?


Knowledge is the shot they're taking
from the weapon, the power from the book to increase an individual's intelligence, to make them smarter than one other person while trying to form everyone into the
same person; so that they're all alike.
(I’m not the best at this but this could be a possibility)

as presented in the chapter, design appreciation is as presented in the chapter, design appreciation is a. a story about how design shapes our lives. b. a story of constant change. c. mostly about the history of architecture. d. a and b e. b and c


As presented in the chapter, design appreciation is a. a story about how design shapes our lives.


The notion of design is a plan or design that is carried out before the manufacture of an object, system, component, or structure.

There are also other opinions that say design is the process of planning or designing an object with the aim that the object has a function, aesthetic value, and is useful for humans.

It turns out that design can also mean an image or object that is produced, not just the process. In addition, something that is produced by design can also be a pattern, or image, not just an object.

Design Function

Design as an applied art that involves the arrangement of lines, shapes, colors, sizes and values of an object has certain principles.

There are several design functions, namely as a tool in the process of creating new objects. Then as a container to show the appearance of certain objects to the public with a picture or actual situation.

In addition, design functions as a means for designers to convey their ideas or creations to the public. Finally, the function of design is to improve human knowledge so that they can better understand the shape of plane drawings, space, configuration, composition, arrangement, and so on.

Learn more about design at






1. Visual imagery: "I see through the glass an enormous black and whit orca, gracefully gliding through the bright blue water in the biggest tank in the world."

2. Auditory: "I hear loud cheers., clapping hands, and splashing water."

3. Olfactory: "I smell sunscreen and salty sea air"

4. Gustatory: "I taste salt water that Shamu splashed on my face.

5. Tactile: I fell the shock of freezing cod water on every square inch of my body."

What is imagery and their types?

Imagery is the use of vivid or figurative language to represent objects, actions, and ideas in a way that appeals to the senses, particularly the sense of sight. It can also include the use of descriptive language to create mental pictures in the reader's mind. There are several types of imagery, including:

Visual imagery: This type of imagery appeals to the sense of sight and uses descriptive language to create mental images of things such as people, places, and objects.Auditory imagery: This type of imagery appeals to the sense of hearing and uses descriptive language to create mental images of sounds such as music, voices, or nature.

Find more tests on imagery here;



Herself is a reflexive pronoun.
Have a great day :)

After he killed Curley's wife, Lennie ran to the meeting place he and George chose earlier in the novel.






because george told him to

a court magician who was focused on supportive magic


We don't need a useless magician who can just perform supportive magic at this function. You've been let go, Alec Huguette.

Alec, a court wizard who had joined the crown prince's company to aid in his dungeon-conquering endeavors, was abruptly expelled from the group. In addition to being banned from the party and the royal palace due to the crown prince's harassment, Alec was at his wit's end when a friend from the "magic academy" approached him.

Hello, Alec. Do you wish to join us in trying to escape the dungeon once more : Alec thus embarks on his second trip in life with the companions he used to go out drinking. The adventure tale in this book centers on a former royal magician who had been left behind.

Learn more about court magician Visit:


Correct Question:

Explain about Court Magician, Who Was Focused On Supportive Magic Because His Allies Were Too Weak, Aims To Become The Strongest After Being Banished ?

At this event, we don't need a pointless magician who can only provide supporting magic. I've fired you, Alec Huguette.

A court wizard named Alec, who had joined the crown prince's crew to help him conquer dungeons, was unexpectedly kicked out of the group. Alec was at his wit's end, barred from the party and the royal palace for being harassed by the crown prince, when a buddy from the "magic academy" came up to him.

Alec, hello. Do you want to help us try to get out of the dungeon again: With his former drinking buddies, Alec sets out on his second journey in life. The protagonist of this book's adventure story is a former royal magician who has been left behind.

For such more question on supportive magic


Note: The correct question would be as bellow,

Explain about Court Magician, Who Was Focused On Supportive Magic Because His Allies Were Too Weak, Aims To Become The Strongest After Being Banished ?

what part of speech is the underlined word? helping customers feel appreciated will help the company grow.


The part of speech of the underlined word in the sentence "Helping customers feel appreciated will help the company grow" is a noun.

A noun is a word that describes a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns are frequently, but not always, used with an article (the, a, an). Proper nouns begin with a capital letter, whereas common nouns do not. Common nouns are general things (as in the preceding sentence: customers), whereas proper nouns are specific things (like New York).

Nouns can also be singular or plural obviously it depends on how many there are, as well as countable or uncountable obviously it depends on how their plural form is used. Therefore in the sentence "Helping customers feel appreciated will help the company grow," the underlined word is a noun.

Your question was incomplete, the underlined word was:

"What part of speech is the underlined word? Helping customers feel appreciated will help the company grow."

Learn more about part of speech


according to the narrator, what seemed to have been the effect of father paneloux sermon on the townsfolk?


The effect of father Paneloux sermon on the townsfolk seemed to have been causing confusion.

After witnessing this child's innocent suffering in a schoolroom, Paneloux's sermon linking sin and punishment will be partially completely destroyed by a new philosophy. Because of it's radical philosophy in his second sermon, Paneloux is even touched by this quality of exile. Paneloux was not the only one having doubts about his faith.

From his doubts, he begins to construct sermons. Paneloux's quest for honesty begins, much like Grand's gradual analysis of his marriage and literary work. The townspeople are perplexed and left in a confusion, and Rieux observes a smaller audience for Paneloux's sermon to the men. His congregation had overwhelmingly favored numerology, prophecies, and speculative charms.

Learn more about "The Plague" by Albert Camus


What is the main idea of the story “on the rainy River” by Tim O’Brien ?



Here is the answer


The central theme of the story "On the Rainy River" contrasts the guilt of perpetrating crimes against other people with the guilt of escaping the conscription.

How do these story elements interact to give the text meaning? How can certain story elements be connected?


Answer: Story elements interact by giving you hints toward what the story of the meaning might be. Certain elements can be connected by following the steps of the elements by order until you can make out the meaning.

Explanation: Hope This Helps!

3.Which citation is correct?
(1 Point)
"It rained" (Bradbury 1).
"It rained" (Bradbury 1.)
"It rained." (Ray Bradbury 1).
"It rained" (Bradbury, 1).


“It rained.” (Ray Bradbury 1).

How has the beginning of our study of Confucius struck you? What is different about the way Analects is written compared to what you have read before, and how does it compare and contrast to popular Western thought? Support your claim with at least one direct quotation from the text. Write 4-5 sentences.


The Analects is a collection of sayings and teachings attributed to the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It is written in a style that is similar to a collection of wise sayings or proverbs, and it is divided into short chapters that cover a wide range of topics, including morality, politics, and education.

One of the key differences between the Analects and popular Western thought is the emphasis on the importance of relationships and social harmony.

What is Confucius teachings differences?

Confucius believed that the key to a good society is the cultivation of virtue in individuals, and the maintenance of strong relationships within families and communities. He said that "The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home" (Analects, Book 1.2). This is a contrast to the individualism that is often emphasized in Western thought.

In all, the Analects of Confucius is written as a collection of wise sayings and teachings. It emphasizes the importance of relationships and social harmony, and this is different from the individualism that is often emphasized in Western thought.

Learn more about Confucius from


Which of the following statements is true?

Curley's wife was happy and content in her life with Curley.

George knew that Lennie was going to kill Curley's wife.

Curley's wife tried to kill Lennie.

None of the choices are correct.



None of the choices are correct.


- During their conversation, Curley's wife talks to Lennie about how unsatisfied she is.

- George would not have left Lennie alone if he thought he was going to kill someone.

- Curley's wife is unkind, but at no point during their conversation does she try to kill Lennie.

Thus, the only possible answer is "None of the choices are correct."

What is the biases of the white mans burden


Kipling wanted to persuade the American administration to seize control of the Philippines, one of the war's prized possessions, and rule it with the same vigor, honor, and goodness that, in his opinion, distinguished British authority over non-white populations in India and Africa.

Viewpoints Regarding the White Man's Burden

Imperialism was cultural as well as economic and political. The goal of European nations was to invade and plunder populated regions like Asia and Africa.

Racist beliefs about their own superiority to people from other cultures were common among Europeans. Europeans believed it was their responsibility to "civilize" people in Asia, Africa, and some regions of the Americas into western culture and civilization because these people led different lives. Writings like Rudyard Kipling's 1899 novel and poem "The White Man's Burden," which were written in the United Kingdom, supported this idea.

White supremacist Kipling urged the United States to join other European countries in carrying the "burden" of civilizing "savage peoples" in his book "The White Man's Burden." It was written to aid the US government's attempt to annex the Philippines. Many imperialists adopted the slogan "White Man's Burden" to defend the course of action as honorable. Many politicians based their imperialist and racial agendas on the slogan and its beliefs.

To know more about White Man's burden, click on the link below:


Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
How does "How Arthur was chosen king" draw on the tension created in "How Theseus Lifted the Stone"?
"How Arthur was chosen king" draws on the tension created in "How Theseus Lifted the Stone" by having Arthur


"How Arthur was chosen king" draws on the tension created in "How Theseus Lifted the Stone" by having Arthur prove himself worthy of ruling by lifting a similar stone to the one Theseus had lifted.

What is Arthur?

Arthur is a legendary British leader, known for leading the defense against the Saxon invaders in the late 5th and early 6th centuries. He is a central figure in the Matter of Britain, a collection of stories and legends about British history, including the famous story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

This demonstrates that Arthur has the strength and power to be a successful king, just like Theseus. The story also alludes to the idea that Arthur is the rightful king, as he has the same strength and power that Theseus had. This creates tension between the two stories, as the audience is left wondering who will be crowned the rightful king.

To learn more about Arthur

In the wonderful story of Henry sugar and six more book what sense does khan lose in 1925?


In the book "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More" by Roald Dahl, the character Khan loses his sight in 1925. The story is about a wealthy man named Henry Sugar who is able to see without his eyes. He learns this skill from a mysterious Indian fakir named Khan who lost his sight in 1925. The fakir teaches Henry how to see using his mind's eye and how to develop the power of extrasensory perception. So in this story, Khan loses his sense of sight in 1925.

what prompts simon wheeler to tell the story of jim smiley


At the request of a friend, the narrator addresses Simon Wheeler and asks about a man named Leonidas W. Smiley.

Instead of giving the narrator the information he's been asking for, Wheeler begins a big story about a man named Jim Smiley.

The flow of the story is-

Jim Smiley was a man who would gamble on anything.

He turned a frog into a pet and bet a stranger that his frog, Danl Webster, could jump higher than other frogs. - While Smiley wasn't looking, a stranger stuffed Danl Webster with quail grist and Smiley lost the bet.

Before we knew what happened, the stranger disappeared with his $40 he had earned by cheating.

The narrator is tired of a long story about Jim Smiley and his frogs and tries to escape Wheeler before starting another story.

The narrator realized that his friend was meant to suffer with Wheeler's boring story.

To learn more about Simon wheeler, here:


The narrator of the story is ask-ed by a friend to call on old Simon Wheeler and ask ab-out his friend's friend, Leonidas W. Smiley.

The narrator now sus-pects that his friend never knew any-body na-med Leonidas W. Smiley, and that this was the pre-text to get Wheeler to tell him ab-out another guy na-med Jim Smiley. The narrator's friend sug-gests that he ask about a fri-end with the same last name. The narrator's friend has instr-ucted him to ask Simon Wheeler ab-out a man na-med Leonidas W. Smiley.

The men-tion of the name Smiley prom-pts Wheeler to relate the story of Jim Smiley, his pen-chant for betting, his menagerie of unu-sual animals, and his jumping frog.

To know more about Jim Smiley click below:

find the area of the given circle round to the nearest tenth


The area of the circle given is 113.1feet.

In geometry, a circle refers to a round-shaped figure that has no corners or edges. The area of the circle is defined as the space that the circle's circumference takes up. The area of a circle is determined by multiplying π by the square of the radius and is given by: A=πr^2

The radius of the circle is the diameter of the circle divided by 2. A diameter of a circle is any straight line segment which passes through the center of the circle and whose endpoints lie on the circle. In the given case, the d = 12 feet, hence the r = 12/2 = 6 feet. Therefore, the area is:

A=π(6)^2=36π ~ 113.1 feet

π ~ 3.14159

Learn more about Area of the circle:


Reread the following sentences from the text. Which literary device is the author
using in this passage? (RL Standard 10.3 D)
"We appreciated that our home was much more than scenery. It was an important character in this phase of
our life story. It was the container for our joys and sorrows. It was the place we could return to and feel
comfort and safety when the external world or events buffeted us."
Portmanteau Words
O Imagery


We can see here that the literary device that the author is using in this passage is: A. Imagery.

What is literary device?

A literary device is a technique or element used in literature to convey meaning, create an emotional or artistic effect, or enhance the overall structure of a piece of writing.

Examples of literary devices include metaphor, simile, imagery, symbolism, allusion, personification, and many others. These devices are used to add depth, meaning, and complexity to a literary work, and they can be found in poetry, prose, and drama. They help the writer to create a certain atmosphere or tone and to make the text more expressive and engaging.

We see that the literary device used here is imagery. It actually creates a mental picture for the reader.

Learn more about literary device on


According to the author, how can people overcome life's challenges? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. The article is CommonLit _ Life Isn't Fair — Deal With it.


People can overcome life's challenges if they understand that the world is not fair, manage expectations, are humble, and don't blame others as the author says.

What does the author say?

In the article "Life isn't fair - Deal with it," by Mike Myatt, readers are asked what fairness truly means. The author discusses fairness and the mentality that comes from that notion. According to Myatt, the world is indeed unjust, but we should learn to complain less and try more. He says that everyone, the wealthy and the poor, think life has not been kind to them. However, even if we do not get to choose the family and circ*mstances were are born into, we do have options as we grow older and more mature.

According to the author, to deal with life's challenges, we should:

Understand that life is unfair, accept that fact, and work hard to overcome it.Manage expectations - we will not leave college to immediately become millionaires.Stay humble - jobs are opportunities, so we should avoid thinking they are "beneath" us.Not blame others, since we do have opportunities and chances to change things as we grow.

With that in mind, we can conclude we have correctly answered this question.

Learn more about "Life isn't fair - Deal with it" here:


what are some of the questions you should ask your academic advisor?



What Major, In Your Opinion, Fits My Academic Performance And Personal Strengths? What Can I Do To Make Certain I Graduate At The Appropriate Time? If You Want To Increase Your Chances Of A Successful Career While In College, Is There Anything You Can Do? Can You Help With A Couple of Current Problems I'm Having? What can you do to increase your chances of having a successful career while you're still in college?


Here are some questions to ask your academic advisor. That's all I got I hope you got what you needed.

have a nice day {:

the revolutionary war cost lives for sure, but hey, the colonists successfully gained their independence from England. Which sentence is formal?


This sentence is informal as it uses the colloquial phrase "for sure" and the informal word "hey" which is not appropriate in a formal setting.

What is a formal sentence?

A formal sentence is a sentence that is written in a formal style, typically characterized by its use of proper grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.

Formal sentences are typically used in formal writing, such as academic papers, business documents, or official communications. They are often more complex and sophisticated than informal sentences, and may include technical or specialized language. They also typically follow standard conventions of punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure.

Learn more about formal sentence, here:


Which one of these statements is true about summaries?(1 point)
A. They can help a reader write a story.
B. They can help a reader to be objective.
C. They can help a reader remember a story.
D. They can help a reader understand the author.


The statement that is true about summaries is that A. They can help a reader write a story.

A summary is the critical belief of a setting, story, or poetry that assists in knowledge the essential problem of the novel. The precis of the poetry or story ought to be as it should be worded. It addresses all of the important key problems identified. It continually succinctly recounts an analytical source's number one factor and critical helping factors, the overall arc and maximum vital twists of a narrative, or the essential challenge and key factors of a visible source. A summary absolutely covers the principle factors of the unique document. There is no longer consist of any of your personal thoughts, interpretations, deductions, or remarks. Identify the vital subclaims utilized by the writer to argue the number one factor in order.

Therefore, it is able to be concluded that, alternative A is correct.

To learn more about summary check the link below:


What is a necessary element of culturally and linguistically appropriate services?


Services that are respectful of and responsive to culturally and linguistically diverse individuals needs and ideas about health are available.

Services that are respectful of and responsive to culturally and linguistically diverse individuals' needs and ideas about health are available. In order for health systems to implement CLAS and ensure that all patients receive high-quality treatment and achieve positive health outcomes, AHRQ offers tools, training, and reporting. When anything is made in a culturally acceptable manner, it must make sense to the target audience. Here are some illustrations. In 2015, a supermarket in London ran a Ramadan-themed aisle display promotion for chips with a smokey bacon flavour. Having something that is linguistically appropriate means that the language has been made appropriate and linguistically correct by taking into account a variety of language-related factors, including the language itself.

To know more about linguistically refer :


What strong figurative language (word choice, diction) did you hear in the poem Sarah Kay — Hands ? Type two lines here:


Many similes, metaphors, and personifications like figurative language may be found throughout her poems.

The poem Hands makes this point particularly well. When Kay personifies hands, she conveys how they can be used for peace or conflict, but that they were not intended to be emblems of evil, but rather were formed for love—the poem's central subject. "Fingers intertwined like a beautiful accordion of flesh" or "a zipper of prayer" is how Kay symbolically holds her hands to represent the concept of love. Kay compares her grandmother's illness to the flames in the poem Forest Fires because both are uncontrollable and personifies and metaphorizes them in numerous ways. She relays the concepts in her poetry more successfully by using figurative language.

To know more about figurative language refer to the link below :


miss brill what thematic (universal) ideas does the story seem to address? what does the author seem to be suggesting about that idea (the thematic statement)?


Miss Brill, by Katherine Mansfield, is a story that explores a range of universal ideas.

It centers around Miss Brill's loneliness and her sense of isolation from the world around her. Through her observations of the people in the Jardins Publiques, Miss Brill discovers that not everyone finds the same joy in life that she does.

This highlights the idea that the journey of life is a solitary one, and that each person is responsible for their own happiness.

Mansfield suggests that happiness can only be found within oneself, and that trying to rely on external sources will ultimately lead to unhappiness and disappointment.

To learn more about ideas, click here:


What is not represented by the green light at the end of Daisy's dock?
a. past happiness
b. Daisy Buchanan
c. money
d. moral decay​


The green light, which hangs at Daisy's dock's end, most evidently represents his steadfast love for Daisy.

What Is the Green Light in The Great Gatsby?

The end of Daisy and Tom's boat dock is indicated with a permanently on green light. It is constantly on because it serves as a warning to boaters that there is a structure nearby during bad weather or at night.

Gatsby can always see the green light since the Buchanans' estate is situated exactly across the water from his own.

A figure was standing with his hands in his pockets and gazing at the silvery stars as it had emerged from the shade of my neighbor's house. Something about his deliberate strides and the comfortable placement of his feet on the grass gave the impression that Mr. Gatsby himself had come out to find out what portion of our local sky belonged to him.

To learn more about The Great Gatsby, check the link below:


Here Are All The Answers For Side-by-side Collaboration On Social Media Crossword Clue To Help You Solve (2024)


What is the crossword clue for side by side 7 letters 8 letters? ›

The shortest crossword solution for Side by side is 7 letters long and is called ABREAST. The longest solution is eight letters long and is called PARALLEL.

What is the meaning of quote in crossword puzzle? ›

A clue that is contained in quotes represents a word or phrase that is said in spoken language, not necessarily a direct definition. The answer may be a colloquial word or phrase that has a similar meaning to the clue.

Which gospel writer was enshrined in a basilica in Venice? ›

"Saint Mark".

What is another word for join together crossword clue? ›

Best answers for Join together:
16 more rows

What are the clues in a crossword puzzle? ›

Clue: A crossword clue is a hint that the solver must decipher to find the answer that is then entered into the puzzle grid. Clues are not necessarily dictionary definitions; they can involve puns, anagrams and other types of wordplay.

What is a word puzzle where each letter has a number? ›

Codebreakers are fiendishly addictive puzzles in which every letter in a typical crossword grid has been replaced by a number between 1 and 26. Work out which number corresponds to which letter and fill these in to spell out words and complete the grid.

What does it mean in crossword say? ›

Putting "...say" at the end of a clue is a deft way of indicating a soundalike without drawing much attention to it, but it can of course also mean, say, "for example". Orlando had an ingeniously devious puzzle which indicated some soundalikes this way: 29ac Limits of main advance restricted Communist leader, say (9)

Can crossword answers be two words? ›

In the United States, it's typical for multiple-word answers in crossword puzzles to be present without spaces or any other separators. For example, GIANTCOW. However, in some other countries, it's common for there to be a space in the crossword grid to represent the space between the two words.

Who is buried in St. Mark's Basilica? ›

Saint Mark's relics, the remains of Mark the Evangelist, are held in St Mark's Basilica in Venice, Italy.

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St Mark's Basilica

It is the one of the best known examples of Italo-Byzantine architecture. The cathedral declares the wealth of Venice over centuries with its domes and turrets and gold mosaic standing out over the square (and over much of Venice).

What is the name of the famous church in Saint Mark's Square in Venice? ›

The Basilica of St. Mark is the most important religious temple in the city of Venice. It is located in the St. Mark square (Piazza San Marco), next to the Doge's Palace, and has always been the center of the public and religious life in the city.

What is another word for joining two things together? ›

Some common synonyms of join are associate, combine, connect, link, relate, and unite. While all these words mean "to bring or come together into some manner of union," join implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness. joined forces in an effort to win.

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A coalition is a group of people who join together for a common cause, like a coalition you form with other skateboarders who want to convince your town to build a skate park.

What is combining things together called? ›

Some common synonyms of merge are amalgamate, blend, coalesce, commingle, fuse, mingle, and mix. While all these words mean "to combine into a more or less uniform whole," merge suggests a combining in which one or more elements are lost in the whole. in his mind reality and fantasy merged.

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SIDE BY SIDE Crossword Clue
Side by side with 7 Letters
Side by side with 8 Letters
40 more rows

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7 Letters: EPISTLE.

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7 letter answer(s) to sharp-cornered


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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.