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A.B.A.J. American Bar Association Journal.

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1919-49 (Title changed to International Law Reports in 1950) Annals

The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science



Text Box

International Law Studies - Volume 59 Prisoners of War in International Armed Conflict Howard S. Levie


Text Box

The opinions shared in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the U.S. Naval War College, the Dept. of the Navy, or Dept. of Defense.



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Red Cross"), in Cohen (ed.), China's Practice of Intel·national Law 344 (1972)



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I.C.J. Rev. Review of the International Commission of Jurists

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Ikle, Fred C. "After Detection - What?" 39 For. Aff. 208 (1961)

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I.L.M. International Legal Materials

I.L.Q. International Law Quarterly (1947-51) (Title changed to Interna­

tional and Comparative Law Quarterly (I.C.L.Q.) in 1952)

I.L.R. International Law Reports (See Ann. Dig.)

1965 Implementation ICRC, Implementation and Dissemination of tke Geneva Conven­

tions. Report submitted by tke International Committee of tke Red Cross to tke XXtk International Conference of tke Red Cross, Vienna, October 1965 (Doc. Conf. D 3/1, 1965)

1969 Implementation ICRC, Implementation and Dissemination of tke Geneva Conven­

tions. Report submitted by tke International Committee of tke Red Cross to tke XXIst International Conference oj tke Red Cross, Istanbul, 1969 (Doc. No. D.S. 3/1, 2 v., 1969)

1973 Implementation ICRC, Implementation and Dissemination of tke Geneva Conven­

tions. Report Submitted by tke International Committee of tke Red Cross to tke XXIInd International Conference of tke Red Cross, Tekeran, 1973 (Doc. Conf. No. D.H. 3, 3/2, and 3/3, 1973)

I.M.T. International Military Tribunal (seeI.M.T. in the Table of Cases)



I.M.T.F.E. International Military Tribunal for the Far East (see I.M.T.F.E.

in the Table of Cases)

Inglis, Brian Roger Casem*nt (1973)

Institute of Law Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., International Law (c. 1960)

International Committee of the Red Cross (JCRC) (in chronological order of occurrence) See rCRC Report See 1946 Preliminary C.onference See 1947 SAIN See 1947 GE Report See Draft Revised Conventions See Report of the XVIIth Convention See Revised Draft Conventions See Remarks and Proposals See ICRe, Analysis See ICRC, Conff,it de Coree See Pictet (ed.), Commentary on the First Convention See ICRC Information Notes See ICRC Model Agreement See 1956 GE Record See 1956 GE Report See Pictet (ed.), Commentary See 1965 Implementation See 1965 Measures to Repress See ICRC, "The International Committee and the Vietnam Conflict" See 1969 Implementation See 1969 Measures to Repress See 1969 Reaffirmation See ICRC, "Proposed System of Standard Telegram Messages" See 1971 GE Documentation See 1971 GE Report See 1972 Basic Texts See 1972 Draft Additional Protocol See 1972 Commentary See 1972 GE Report See 1973 Draft Additional Protocol See 1973 Commentary See 1973 Implementation See ICRC Annual Report See I.R.R.C. See R.I.C.R.



International Law Association "Proposed International Regulations for the Treatment of Prisoners

of War," 30 I.L.A. Rep. 236 (1921) I.R.R.C.

International Review of the Red Cross (1960-date) Israel, Fred L. (ed.)

Israel (Major Peace Treaties of Modern History 1648-1967) (4 v., 1967)

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JAGA Manuscript Opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Army

(tJnitedStates) JAGW

SeeJAGA Janner, Antonino

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Jones, J. Mervyn "Status of the Home Guard in International Law," 57 Law Q. Rev.

212 (1941) . J.R.U.S.I.

Journal of the Royal United Service Institution Juridical Sciences Institute

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Kalshoven, Frits Belligerent Reprisals (1971)

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Keen, M. H. The Laws of War in the Late Middle Ages (1965)

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Kleut, Petar "Guerre de partisans et droit internationale," 3 Jugoslovenska

Revija za Medunarodno Pravo 94 (1956)



Knitel, Hans G. Les Delegations du Comite International de la Croix-Rouge (1967)

Krafft, Agenor "The Present Position of the Red Cross Geneva Conventions," 37

Trans. 131 (1952) Kulski, W. W.

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Kunz, Josef L. Kunz, Chaotic Status ("The Chaotic Status of the Laws of War and

the Urgent Necessity for Their Revision"), 45 A.J.I.L. 37 (1951) Kunz, Treatment ("Treatment of Prisoners of War"), 1953 Proc.

A.S.I.L.99 Kutner, Luis

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La Pradelle, Paul de La Pradelle, de, Le controle ("Le controle de l'application des con­

ventions humanitaires en cas de confiit arme"), 2 Annuaire fran­lJais de droit international 343 (1956)

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Laska, Lewis L. (and Smith, James M.) Laska & Smith, " 'Hell and the Devil': Andersonville and the Trial

of Captain Henry Wirz, C.S.A., 1865," '68 Mil. L. Rev. 77 (1975) Lauterpacht, Hersch

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Lauterpacht, Problem ("The Problem of the Revision of the Law of War"), 29 B.Y.I.L. 360 (1952)

Lauterpacht-Oppenheim (International Law), (7th ed. 1952) Law of Land Warfare

U.S. Army, Field Manual 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare (1956) Laws, M. E. S.

Laws, Exchange ("The Exchange of Prisoners of War"), 98 J.R.U.S.I.603 (1953)

Laws, Prisoners of War ("Prisoners of War"), 95 J.R.U.S'!. 91 (1950) (digested in Mil. Rev., October 1950, at 96)

Levie, Howard S. Levie, Armistice Agreement ("The Nature and Scope of the Armi­

stice Agreement"), 50 A.J.I.L. 880 (1956) "The Employment of Prisoners of War," 57 A.J.I.L. 318 (1963) Levie, Indo-Pakistani Agreement ("The. Indo-Pakistani Agreement

of August 28,1973"), 68 A.J.I.L. 95 (1974)



Levie, Maltreatment in Vietnam ("Maltreatment of Prisoners of War in Vietnam"), 48 Boston U. L. Rev. 323 (1968), reprinted in 2 Falk (ed.), The Vietnam War and International Law 361 (1969)

"Penal Sanctions for Maltreatment of Prisoners of War," 56 A.J.I.L. 433 (1962)

"Prisoners of War and the Protecting Power," 55 A.J.I.L. 374 (1961)

Levie, Repatriation ("International Law Aspects of Repatriation of Prisoners of War during Hostilities: a Reply"), 67 A.J./.L. 693 (1973), reprinted in 4 Falk (ed.), The Vietnam War and Inter­national Law 340 (1976)

Levie, "Weapons of Warfare," in Trooboff (ed.), Law and Respon­sibility in Warfare 153 (1975)

Levie, Working Paper ("Working Paper for the Fourteenth Ham­marskjold Forum"), in Carey (ed.), When Battle Rages, How Can Law Protect? 1 (1971)

Lewis, George G. (and Mewha, John) Lewis & Mewha (Histo·ry of Prisoner of War Utilization by the

United States Army, 1776-1945) (Dept. Army Pamphlet No. 20-213,1955)

Lewis, Michael A. Lewis, Napoleon (Napoleon and His British Captives) (1962)

Liddell Hart, B. H. History of the Second World War (1970)

Lieber, Francis Lieber Code (United States Army, General Orders No. 100, 24 April

1863, Inst·ructions for the Government of the Armies of the United States in the Field), 3 NWC 115; 35 R.I.C.R. 401,476,635,974 (1953) ; 1 Friedman 158; Schindler & Toman 3

Lindsay, Samuel M. (ed.) Lindsay, Swiss Internment (Swiss Internment of Prisoners of War)

(1917) L.N.T.S.

League of Nations Treaty Series (199 v. 1920-40) Long, Gavin M.

The Final Campaigns (Australia in the War of 1939-1945, Series 1 (Army), Vol. VII: The Final Campaigns) (1963)

L. Q.Rev. Law Quarterly Review (1884-date)

LRTWC United Nations War Crimes Commission, Law Reports of Trials of

War Criminals (15 v. 1947-1949) Lubrano-Lavadera, Capitaine

Lubrano (Les lois de la guerre et l'occltpation militaire) (1956)



Lundin, Carl E. Jr. Lundin, Repatriation ("Repatriation of Prisoners of War: the Legal

and Political Aspects"), 39 A.B.A.J. 559 (1953) Lyons, William P.

Lyons, Code of Conduct ("Prisoners of War and the Code of Con­duct"), N. W.C. Rev., December 1967, at 60

McCarthy, Daniel J. McCarthy, Prisoner of War (The Prisoner of War in Germany: the

Care and Treatment of the Prisoner of War) (1917) McDougal, Myres S. (and Reisman, Michael)

"Working Document Establishing a Convention for World Writ of Habeas Corpus and Regional Courts of World Habeas Corpus" (mimeo., 1975)

McKnight, Maxwell S. McKnight, POW Employment ("The Employment of Prisoners of

War in the United States"), 50 Int. Labour Rev. 47 (1944) McNair, Sir Arnold D.

International Law Opinions (1956) McNair, Legal Effects (McNair & Watts, The Legal Effects of War)

(4th ed. 1966) v MACV

See United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) Mahmud, Syed

Muslim Conduct of State (1973) Malloy, William M. (comp.)

Treaties, Conventions, International Acts, Protocols and Agreements between the United States of America and other Powers, 1776-1937 (4 v. 1910-38)

Manes, Donald L. Jr. Manes, Barbed Wire Command ("Barbed Wire Command: the

Legal Nature of the Command Responsibilities of the Senior Pris­oner in a Prisoner of War Camp"), 10 Mil. L. Rev. 1 (1960)

Manual for Courts-Martial Manual for Courts-Martial, United States 1969 (rev. ed.)

Marin, Miguel A. Marin, Recueil ("The Evolution and Present Status of the Laws of

War"), 92 Recueil633 (1957) Martin, Paul E.

Martin, Note ("Note sur les prisonniers de guerre evades sur Ie territoire d'une Puissance neutre"), 26 R.I.C.R. 62 (1944)

Mason, John B. Mason, German Prisoners of War ("German Prisoners of War in

the United States"), 39 A.J J.L. 198 (1945)



~ason, VV. VVynne ~ason, Prisoners of War (Prisonel's of War: Official History of

New Zealand in the Second World War 1939-45) (1954) ~aughan, Barton ~aughan, Tobruk (Tobruk and El Alamein: Australia in the War

of 1939-1945, Ser, 1, v. III) (1966) ~ayda, Jaro

"The Korean Repatriation Problem and International Law," 47 A.J.I.L. 414 (1953)

1965 ~easures to Repress ICRC, Respect of the Geneva Conventions: Measures taken to Re­

press Violations. Report submitted by the International Commit­tee of the Red Cross to the XXth International Conference of the Red Cross, Vienna, October 1965 (Doc. Conf. D 4a/1, 1965)

1969 ~easures to Repress ICRC, Respect of the Geneva Conventions: Measures taken to Re­

press Violations, \ v. 2. Report submitted by the In teJ'nationa1 Committee of the Red Cross to the XXIst International Confe~'­ence of the Red Cross, Istanbul, Septemb-er 1969 (Doc. No. D.S. 3/3, 1969)

~eitani, Radu " Meitani, Regime (Le regime des prisonniers de guerre), (pts.1-3)

7 Revue internationale frangaise du droit des gens 281; 8 ibid., 26, 190 (1939)

~eyers, Samuel~. (and Bradbury, VVilliam C.) ~eyers & Bradbury, Political Behavior ("The Political Behavior of

Korean and Chinese Prisoners of VV ar in the Korean Conflict: a Historical Analysis"), in Bradbury, ~eyers & Biderman, Mass Behaviol' in Battle and Captivity: the Communist Soldiet in the Korean War 209 (1968)

~eyrowitz, Henri Les armes biologiques et le droit intemational (1968)

~iller, Hunter (ed.) Treaties and Other Tntemational Acts of the United States of A me~'i­

ca (8 v. 1931-48) ~iller, Richard 1. (ed.)

The Law of War (1975) ~ojonny, Gerard L.

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~oltke, Helmuth K. B., von The Franco-Gel'man War of 1870-1871 (Bell-Fischer trans., 1892)

~ontaudon, Andre Montaudon, Des internes ("Des internes en pays neutre dans la



guerre continentale") (These, Faculte de Droit, Universite de Paris, 1916)

Morgan, John H. (transl.) The German War Book: Being "The Usages of War on Land" Issued

by the Great General'Stafj of the German Army (1915) Morison, Samuel E. (ed.)

Hist01'yof United States Naval Operations in World War II: Leyte June 19"-4-January 19"-5 (v. 12, 1958)

Mullins, Claud The Leipzig Trials: an Account of the War C1'iminals Trials and a

Study of German Mentality (1921) Murphy, Charles H.

Murphy, Repatriation ("Prisoners of War: Repatriation or Intern­ment in Wartime - American and Allied Experience, 1775 to Present"), Library of Congress· (1971), printed in part in 1971 Hearings, pt. 1, at 479.

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization (see STANAG)

Naughton, Robert J. Naughton, Motivational Factors ("Motivational Factors of Ameri­

can Prisoners of War held by the Democratic Republic of Viet­nam"), N.W.C. Rev., January/February 1975, at 2

1973 NGO Memorandum Memorandum by Non-Governmental Organisations on the Two

Draft Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions, 1949 (mimeo., 1973)

Nordic Experts "Interpretation of the Geneva Conventions of 1949: Some statements

adopted by experts from the Nordic Countries" (1951), printed in French as "Interpretation des Conventions de Geneve de 1949 : Declarations adoptees par les experts des pays scandinaves," 57 R.G.D.I.P. 165 (1953)

Nuremberg Trial International Military Tribunal (see LM.T. in the Table of Cases)

Niirnberg Principles ILC Nurnberg Principles ("Formulation of the Niirnberg Princi­

ples") [1950] 2 Y.B. Int. L. Comn. 374, U.N. Doc. A/CN.4/ SER.A/1950/ Add. 1 (1957)

NWC United States Naval War College

International Law Topics and Discussions, 1903, 1905-06, 1909, 1914-16

International Law Situations 1901-02, 1904, 1907-08, 1910-12, 1926-39



International Law Documents, 1917-25, 1940-53 International Law Studies, 1954-66

N.W.C.Rev. [United States] Naval War College Review (1948-date)

Official Records U.S. War Department, The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of

the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (130 v.1880-1901)

Olgiati, Rodolfo Olgiati, Croix-Rouge ("La Croix-Rouge en temps de guerre et en

temps de paix"), 36 R.I.C.R. 705 (1954) Olson, Eugene T.

Olson, Soviet Policy ("Prisoner of War Policy of the Soviet Union") (ms, 1953}

Overly, Norris M. "Held Captive in Hanoi - An Ex-POW Tells How It Was," Air

Force & Space Digest, November 1970, at 86 Oxford Manual (1880)

Institute of International Law, "Manual on the Laws of War," 5 Annuaire de l'Institut de Droit International 157 (1881-82) ; Del­tenre 635; Schindler & Toman 35

Paquin, Jean Paquin, Le probleme des sanctions disciplinaires ("Le probleme des

sanctions disciplinaires et pen ales dans la HIe Convention de Geneve du 12 aoftt 1949"), 29 Revue de droit international de sciences diplomatiques et politiques 52 (1951)

Parry, Clive (ed.) Parry (The Consolidated T'reaty Series 1648- ) (1969-date)

Perrot, Premier Lieutenant de "L'internement en Suisse (1940-1941) ," 23 R.I.C.R. 132 (1941)

Phillimore, George G. Phillimore, Suggestions ("Some Suggestions for a Draft Code for

the Treatment of Prisoners of War"), 6 Trans. 25 (1921) Phillimore, George G. (and Bellot, Hugh H. L.)

Phillimore & Bellot ("Treatment of Prisoners of War"), 5 Trans. 47 (1920)

Phillipson, Coleman The International Law and Custom of Ancient Greece and Rome

(2 v. 1911) Pictet, Jean S.

Pictet, Humanitarian La'w (Humanitarian Law and the Protection of War Victims) (1975)

Pictet, New Geneva Conventions ("The New Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims"), 45 A.J.I.L. 462 (1951)



Pictet, Recueil ("La Croix-Rouge et les Conventions de Geneve"), 76 Recueil5 (1950)

Pictet, Jean S. (ed.) Pictet, Commentary (Commentary on the III Geneva Convention

Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War) (1960) Pictet, Commentary on the First Convention (Commentary on the

I Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field) (1952)

Pilloud, Claude "'Captured Enemy Property'" (" 'Captured Enemy Property:

Booty of War and Seized Enemy Property' "), 32 R.I.C.R. 829 (1950)

"Protection of Journalists on Dangerous Missions in Areas of Armed Conflict," 11 I.R.R.C. 3 (1971)

Pilloud, Protection penale (La protection penale des Conventions humanitaires internationales), 35 R.I.C.R. 842 (1953)

Pilloud, Reservations (Les reserves aux Conventions de Geneve de 1949), 39 R.I.C.R. 409 (1957) (reprinted in English in (pts. 1-3), 11 R.l.C.R. Supp. 138, 151, 193 (1958})

Pilloud, "Reservations to the Geneva Conventions of 1949," (pts. 1-2) 16 I.R.R.C. 107, 163 (1976)

Pilloud, Sanctions penales ("Les sanctions penales dans la premiere Convention de Geneve (blesses et malades), du 12 aoftt 1949"}, 34 R.I.C.R. 286 (1952)

Pinto, Roger "Hanoi et la Convention de Geneve," Le Monde, 27 December 1969,

at 2, col. 1 PMGReview

United States Army, Office of The Provost Marshal General, "A Review of United States Policy on Treatment of Prisoners of War" (mimeo. 1968)

POW Circular No.1 United States War Department. Prisoner of War Circular No.1:

Regulations Governing Prisoners of War (1943) Pradelle, de La

See La Pradelle, de 1946 Preliminary Conference

ICRC, Report on the Work of the Preliminary Conference of Na­tional Red Cross Societies for the study of the Conventions and of various Problems relative to the Red Cross, Geneva, July 26 -August 3, 1946 (Ser. I, No. 3a, 1947)

Preux, Jean de Preux, Homme de confiance ("L'homme de confiance des prisonniers

de guerre"), 35 R.I.C.R. 449 (1953)



"Le probleme de la capacite civile des prisonniers de guerre et des internes civils dans les Conventions de Geneve de 1949," 35 R.l.C.R.925 (1953) (with Henri Coursier)

Prisoner-of-War Convention 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of

War (q.v. in the Table of Treaties and Agreements) Proc. A.S.I.L.

Proceedings of the American Society of International Law, 1907-date (1908-date)

Prugh, George S. Jr. Prugh, Code of Conduct ("The Code of Conduct for the Armed

Forces"), 56 Col. L. Rev. 678 (1956) Prugh, Current Initiatives ("Current Initiatives to Reaffirm and

Develop International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflict"), 8 Int. Law. 262 (1974)

Prugh, Law at War (Law at War: Vietnam, 1964-1978) (1975) Ramundo, Bernard A.

Ramundo, Soviet Criminal Legislation ("Soviet Criminal Legislation in Implementation of the Hague and Geneva Conventions Relating to the Rules of Land Warfare"), 57 A.J.I.L. 73 (1963)

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Applicable in Armed Conflicts. Report submitted by the Interna­tional Committee of the Red Cross to the XXIst International Conference of the Red Cross, Istanbul, 1969 (1969)

Recueil Recueil des Cours de l'Academie de Droit International de la Haye,

1923-date (1925-date)

Red Cross See International Committee of the Red Cross

Reid, Patrick R. The Colditz Story (1952) Men of Colditz (1953)

Reiners, Wilfred O. Reiners, Soviet Indoctrination ("Soviet Indoctrination of German

War Prisoners, 1941-1956") (mimeo.1959)

RemarKS and Proposals ICRC, Remarks and Proposals submitted by the International Com­

mittee of the Red Cross: Document for the Consideration of Gov­ernments Invited by the Swiss Federal Council to Attend the Dip lomatic Conference at Geneva, A.pril21, 1949 (1949)



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Conventions of 1949"), 21 I.C.L.Q. 472 (1972)

Rubli, Jean-Maurice Rubli, Repatriation ("Repatriation and Accommodation in Neutral

Countries of Wounded and Sick Prisoners of War"), 5 l.R.R.C. 623 (1965)

Rules of Land Warfare United States Army, Basic Field Manual 27-10, Rules of Land War­

fare (1940)

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22 Mil. Aff. 121 (1958)

Sack, Alexander N.

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1947 SAIN ICRC, Report on the Work of the Commission appointed for the

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Schacht, Kenneth G. Schacht Statement (Japanese Atrocities: Statement of Lieutenant

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1975 Report of Committee I Report of Committee I of the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffir­

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Roling, Bernard V. A. Roling, Recueil ("The Law of War and the National Jurisdiction

since 1945"), 100 Recueil329 (1960)

Rosas, Allan The Legal Status of Prisoners of War (1976)

Rosenberg, Curt H. "International Law concerning Accidents to War Prisoners Em­

ployed in Private Enterprises," 36 A.J.I.L. 294 (1942)



Schapiro, L. B. Schapiro, Repatriation ("The Repatriation of Deserters"), 29

B,Y.I.L. 310 (1952) Schein, Edgar H.

Schein, Patterns ("Patterns of Reactions to Severe Chronic Stress in American Army Prisoners of War of the Chinese"), in Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, Methods of Forceful Indoc­trination: Observations and Interviews, Symposium No.4, July 1957, at 253

Schindler, Dietrich (and Toman, Jiri) Schindler & Toman (The Laws of Armed Conflicts) (1973)

Schlesinger, Thomas O. "Obligations of the Prisoner of War," Mil. Rev., December 1970, at

80 Schwarzenberger, Georg

Schwarzenberger, Human Rights ("Human Rights and Guerrilla Warfare"), 1 Israel Y.B. on Human Rights 246 (1971)

Scott, James B. (ed.) Scott, Reports (The Reports to the Hague Conferences of 1899 and

1907) (1917) Scott, Resolutions (Resolutions of the Institute of International Law

Dealing with the Law of Nations) (1916) SEASTAG No. 2033

South-East Asia Treaty Organization, Standardization Agreement 'No. 2033, "Interrogation of Captured or Otherwise Detained Per­sonnel (CDP)."

Second Convention 1949 Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of

Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea (q.v. in the Table of Treaties and Agreements)

Seitz, Jean Seitz, La Suisse ("La Suisse puissance protectrice"), 24 Revue de

droit international de sciences diplomatiques et politiques 34 (1946)

Seminar "Seminar on the Teaching of Humanitarian Law to the Armed

Forces," 13 I.R.R.C. 42 (1973) 1955 Senate Report

Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims, Executive Report No.9 on Execu­tives D, E, F, and G, 82d Cong., 1st ses. (1955)

Sereni, Angelo P. Sereni, Statut juridique ("Le statut juridique des prisonniers de

guerre italiens aux Etats-Unis"), 67-72 Jo'urnal du droit inter­national 52 (1940-45)



Seyersted, Finn Seyersted, United Nations Forces (United Nations Forces in the

Law of Peace and War) (1966) Shub, Boris

The Choice (1950) Simmonds, R.

Simmonds, Legal Problems (Legal Problems Arising from the United Nations Military Operations in the Congo) (1968)

Siordet, Frederic Siordet, Scrutiny ("The Geneva Conventions of 1949: the Question

of Scrutiny") (1953 English reprint of "Les Conventions de Geneve de 1949: Ie probleme du controle," (pts. 1-3), 33 R.I.C.R. 695 (1951), 34 R.I.C.R. 92, 869 (1952»

SIPRI See Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

Smith, Delbert D. Smith, Appraisal ("The Geneva Prisoner of War Convention: an

Appraisal"), 42 N.Y.U.L. Rev. 880 (1967) Smith, Elizabeth R. Jr.

Smith, Code of Conduct ("The Code of Conduct in Relation to In­ternational Law"), 31 Mil. L. Rev. 85 (1966)

Soviet Academy of Sciences See Institute of Law

Soviet International Law See Institute of law

Spaight, J. M. Spaight, Air Power (Air Power and War Rights) (3rd ed. 1947) War Rights on Land (1911)



Stacey, C. P. Six Years of War: the Army in Canada, Britain and the Pacific

(1 Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War, rev. ed. 1966)

STANAG No. 2044 NATO Standardization Agreement No. 2044 (Ed. No.3), "Proce­

dures for dealing with Prisoners of War," 4 August 1967 Standard Minimum Rules

"Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners," Report of the First United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crimes and the Treatment of Offenders, Geneva, 22 August-3 September 1955, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.6/I, at 67 (1956) (reprinted in I.C.I. Rev., December 1969, at 48)



Stat. United States Statutes at Large

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SIPRI (The Law of War and Dubious Weapons) (1976) Yearbook of World Armaments and Disarmament, 1968/1969


Stone, Julius Stone, Legal Controls (Legal Controls of International Confi,ict)

2d impression, rev. 1959)

Stone, Julius (and Woetzel, Robert K.) (eds.) Toward a Feasible International Criminal Court (1970)

Stuart, Graham H. "Special War Problems Division," 11 Dep. State Bull. 63 (1944)

Suckow, Samuel "The Development of International Humanitarian Law: a Case

Study," I.C.J. Rev., June 1974, at 50

Sullivan, William H. Sullivan, Prisoners of War in Indochina ("Department Discusses

Problem of U.S. Prisoners of War and Missing in Action in Indo­china"), 66 Dept. State Bull. 304 (1972)

Swiss Federal Department See Switzerland

Swiss Manual Armee Suisse, Manuel des lois et coutumes de la guerre (No. Sl.7/

llf, ed. 1963)

Switzerland See Diplomatic Conference Documents See Final Record See 1975 Diplomatic Conference See 1975 Report of Committee I See Swiss Manual

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Russo-Japanese War) (1908)

Taracouzio, Timothy A. The Soviet Union and International Law (1935)

Taylor, Telford "The Nuremberg War Crimes Trials," 1949 International Concilia­

tion 243 (No. 450, April 1949)



Maelzer, Trial of: 11 LRTWC 53; 13 Ann. Dig. 289 (U.S. Military Commission 1946).

Masao, Trial of: 11 LRTWC 56; 14 Ann. Dig. 205 (Austrialian Mili­tary Court 1947).

Masuda, Trial of: see the Jaluit Atoll Case Medical Case (U.S. v. Brandt): 1 TWC 1, 2 TWC 171; 14 Ann. Dig.

296 (U.S. Military Tribunal 1947) . Meyer, Trial of: see the Abbaye Ardenne Case Milch Case (Trial of Milch) : 2 TWC 353, 773; 7 LRTWC 27; 14 Ann.

Dig. 299 (U.S. Military Tribunal 1947) . Ministries Case (U.S. v. von Weizsaecker) : 12 TWC 1, 14 TWC 308;

16 Ann. Dig. 344 (U.S. Military Tribunal 1949) .

Nisuke, Trial of: see the Jaluit Atoll Case

Ohlendorf, U.S. v.: see the Einsatzgruppen Case

Pal Dissent: International Tribunal for the Far East, Dissent of Judge Pal (India) ; reprinted in part in 2 Friedman 1159.

Perzenowski, Rex v.: [1947] 1 D.L.R. 705; [1946] 3 Can. Crim. Cases 254; 13 Ann. Dig. 300 (Alberta Supreme Court, App. Div. 1946).

Quirin, Ex parte: 317 U.S. 1 (1942)

Reservations to the Convention on Genocide, Advisory Opinion on: [1951] I.C.J. Reports 1.

Sawada, Trial of: see Shigeru, Trial of Schindler, Rex v.: [1944] 3 W.W.R. 125; 82 Can. Crim. Cases 206; 12

Ann. Dig. 403 (Alberta Police Court 1944) . Schmidt, Trial of: 12 LRTWC 119 (quoted only) (British Military

Tribunal 1947). Shigeru, Trial of: 5 LRTWC 1; 13 Ann. Dig. 302 (U.S. Military Com­

mission 1946). Siebers, Inre: 17 I.L.R. 399 (Dutch Special Court of Cassation 1949). Stalag Luft III Case (In re Wielen) : 11 LRTWC 31; 13 Ann. Dig. 292

(British Military Court 1947). Student, In re: 4 LRTWC 118; 13 Ann. Dig. 296 (British Military

Court 1946).

Tanabe, Trial of: 11 LRTWC 1; 14 Ann. Dig. 210 (Netherlands Tem­porary Court Martial 1947) .

Tanaka, Chuichi, Trial of: 11 LRTWC 62; 13 Ann. Dig. 289 (Aus­tralian Military Court 1946).

Tanaka, Hisakasu, Trial of: 5 LRTWC 66 (U.S. Military Commission 1946).

Tassoli, Re: 23 I.L.R. 764; 39 Rivista di Diritto internazionale 595 (Italian Court of Cassation, United Chambers 1956).

Territo, In re: 156 F.2d 142, 13 Ann. Dig. 284 (9th Cir. 1946).



T,W.C. Trials of War Criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals

under Control Council Law No. 10 (1946-49)

U.K., Treatment United Kingdom, Ministry of Defence, Treatment of British Pris­

oners of War in Korea (1955) United Kingdom

See British Army See British Manual Foreign Office, Korea No.1 (1953) (Korea: a Summary of Further

Developments in the Military Situation, Armistice Negotiations and Prisoner of War Camps up to January 1953), Cmd. 8793

Foreign Office, The Treatment of Prisoners of War in England and Germany during the Fi'rst Eight Months of the War (1915)

House of Commons, Report of the Committee of the House of Com­mons Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (1798)

See U.K., Treatment U.N. (United Nations)

G.A. Res. 382A, 1 December 1950, Threats to the political independ­ence and territorial integrity of Greece, 5 U.N. GAOR, Supp. 20, at 14, U.N. Doc. A/1775 (1950)

G.A. Res. 427, 14 December 1950, Measures for the peaceful solu­tion of the problems of prisoners of war [World War II], 5 U.N. GAOR, Supp. 20, at 45, U.N. Doc. A/1775 (1950)

G.A. Res. 610, 3 December 1952, Repatriation of prisoners, of war (Korea), 7 U.N. GAOR, Supp. 20, at 3, U.N. Doc. A/2361 (1952)

G.A. Res. 2312, 14 December 1967, Declaration on territorial asy­lum, 22 U.N. GAOR, Supp. 16, at 81, U.N. Doc. A/6716 (1967)

G.A. Res. 2444, 19 December 1968, Respect for human rights in armed conflicts, 23 U.N. GAOR, Supp. 18, at 50, U.N. Doc. A/7218 (1969)

G.A. Res. 2676, 9 December 1970, Respect for human rights in armed conflicts, 25 U.N. GAOR, Supp. 28, at 77, U.N. Doc. A/8028 (1971)

G.A. Res. 3058, 2 November 1973, Prootection of journalists engaged in dangerous missions in areas of armed conflict, 28 U.N. GAOR, Supp. 30, at 73, U.N. Doc. A/9030 (1974)

S.C. Res. 307, 21 December 1971, Resolution of the Security Council with Respect to the India-Pakistan Hostilities, 26 SCOR, Resolu­tions and Decisions of the Security Council 1971 at 11, U.N. Doc. S/INF /27 (1972)

See Standard Minimum Rules SeeUNEF See UNFICYP See U.N., Human Rights



See U.N.T.S. U.N., Human Rights

U.N., Human Rights, A/7720: Respect for Human Rights in Armed Conflicts, [First] Report of the Secretary-General, U.N. Doc. A/7720, 20 November 1969

U.N., Human Rights, A/8052: Respect for Human Rights in Armed Conflicts, [Second] Report of the Secretary-General, U.N. Doc. A/8052, 18 September 1970

U.N., Human Rights, A/8178: Respect for Human Rights in Armed Conflicts, Report of the Third Committee, 25 U.N. GAOR, 1 An­nexes, Agenda Item No. 47, at 1, U.N. Doc. A/8178 (1970)

U.N.,Human Rights, A/8313: Respect for Human Rights in Armed Conflicts, Comments by Government on the Reports of the Secre­tary-General, U.N. Doc. A/8313, 15 June 1971

U.N., Human Rights, A/8370: Respect for Human Rights in Armed Conflicts, [Third] Report of the Secretary-General, U.N. Doc. A/8370, 2 September 1971

U.N., Human Rights, A/8781: Respect for Human Rights in Armed Conflicts, [Fourth] Report of the Secretary-General U.N. Doc. A/8781, 20 September 1972

U.N., Human Rights, A/9123: Respect for Human Rights in Armed Conflict, [Fifth] Report of the Secretary-General, U.N. Doc. A/9123, 19 September 1973

UNC (United Nations Command) UNC, "Articles Governing United Nations [sic] Prisoners of War,"

23 October 1951 (mimeo.) UNC, "Communist War" (United Nations and Far East Command,

Military Intelligence Section, "The Communist War in POW Camps: the Background of Incidents among Communist Pris­oners in Korea" (mimeo. 1953. Summarized in 28 Dept. State Bull. 273 (1953»

UNC, "Regulations Governing the Penal Confinement of Prisoners of War," 20 October 1951 (mimeo.)

UNC, "Rules of Criminal Procedure for Military Commissions of the United Nations Command," 22 October 1950 (mimeo.)

UNC, "Supplemental Rules of Criminal Procedure for Military Commissions of the United Nations Command," 6 October 1951 (mimeo.)

UNEF Regulations for the United Nations Emergency Force, February 20,

1957, U.N. Doc. ST/SGB/UNEF/l (1957), annexed to Note by the Secretary-General, U.N. Doc. A/3552, reprinted in 1 Higgins, United Nations Peacekeeping 1946-1967: Documents and Com­mentary 288 (1969) and Lauterpacht, The United Nations Emer­gency Force: Basic Documents 34 (1960)



UNFICYP United Nations Forces in Cyprus: UNFICYP Regulations, 25 April

1964, reprinted in Seyersted, United Nations Forces 437

Uniform Code Uni/m'm Code of Military Justice [for the Government of the Armed

Forces of the United States], 10 U.S.C. §§ 801-940 (1970)

United Nations War Crimes Commission See UNWCC

U.N.T.S. United Nations Treaty Series, 1946-date

UNWCC Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals (see LRTWC) UNWCC, History (History of the United Nations War Crimes Com­

mission and the Development of the Laws of War) (1948)

U.S. Army See American Prisoners of War See Bull. JAG See Dig. Op. JAG FM 19-40, Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and De-

tained Persons (1976) See German Regulations SeeJAGA SeeJAGW See Law of Land Wa'rfare See Lewis & Mewha Lieber Code (See Lieber, Francis) See PMG Review See POW Circular No.1 Regs. 633-50 (U.S. Army Regulations 633-50, Prisoners of War:

Administration, Employment, and Compensation) (1963) See Rich, Brief History See Rules of Land Warfare See SPJGT SeeSPJGW See U.S., Communist Interrogation See U.S. DA Pam. 27-161-2 See U.S. Manual See U.S., MP Board See Vietnam, Article-by-Article Review See Winthrop, William

U.S.C. United States Code



U.S.C.M.A. Decisions of the United States Court of Military Appeals (1951-

date) U.S., Communist Interrogation

DA Pam. No. 30-101, Communist Interrogation, Indoctrination, and Exploitation of Prisoners of War (1956)

U.S. Congress Hearings on H.R. 2208, Amending the Missing Persons Act to Pro­

vide Benefits to Certain Members of the Philippine Scouts before Subcomm. No.1 of the House Comm. on Armed Services, 84th Cong., 2d sess., No. 105 (1956)

Korean War Atrocities; Hearing before the Subcomm. on Korean War Atrocities of the Permanent Subcomm. on Investigations of the Senate Comm. on Government Operations pursuant to S. Res 40, 83rd Cong., 1st sess. (1954)

See Malloy, William M. See 1955 Hearing See 1955 Senate Report See 1971 Hearings See Stat.

U.S. DA Pam. 27-161-2 International Law (1962)

U.S. Department of Defense SeeC.M.R. Directive No. 5100.77, 5 November 1974, "DOD Program for the

Implementation of the Law of War" See Manual for Courts-Martial See U.S., POW

U.S. Department of State See Acheson, Dean See Bevans, Charles I. (ed.) See Byrnes, James F. See Dept. State Bull. See For. Rel. U.S. Legal Considerations Underlying the Position of the United Nations

Command Regarding the Issue of Forced Repatriation of Prison­ers of Wa1· (mimeo. 1952)

See Stuart, Graham H. See Sullivan, William H.

U.S. Manual U.S. Army, FM 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare (1956)

U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) Directive No. 20-5, 15 March 1968, "Inspections and Investigations:

Prisoners of War - Determination of Eligibility" (reproduced in part at 62 A.J.I.L. 768) (1968)



Directive No. 190-6, 22 September 1970, "Military Police: ICRC Inspections of Detainee/Prisoner of War Facilities"

Directive No. 381-46, 27 December 1967, "Military Intelligence: Combined Screening of Detainees; Annex A, Criteria for Classi­fication and Disposition of Detainees" (reproduced in part at 6~ A.J.I.L. 766 (1968); 12 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 798 n.23 (1971); and 12 Santa Clara Law. 236 n.53 (1972)

U.S., MP Board "Collection and Documentation of Materials Relating to the Prisoner

of War Internment Program in Korea" (ms., 1953) U.S.,POW

"POW: the Fight Continues after the Battle." 'l'he Report of the Secretary of Defense's Advisory Committee on Prisoners of War (1955)

U.S.T. United States Treaties and Other International Agreements, 1950-

date, (1952-date) U.S. War Department

Circular No. 353, 31 August 1944, reprinted in 44 A.J.I.L. 500 (1950)

Lieber's Code (see Lieber, Francis) See Official Records See Rules of Land Warfare Technical Manual TM 19-500, Enemy Prisoners of Wm' (1944)

Vattel, Emmerich de The Law oj Nations (The Law of Nations 01' the P1'inciples of Nat­

'Ural Law) (Fenwick trans!. 1916 of the 1758 edition) Vetter, Hal

Vetter, Mutiny (Mutiny on Koje Island) (1965) Vietnam, krticle-by-Article Review

U.S. AJ;my, A1·ticle-by-A1·ticle Review of the Application of the Geneva Prisoner-of-War Convention by the Republic of Vietnam (c. December 1970)

Vizzard, William R., Jr. Vizzard, Policy ("Prisoner of War Policy in Relation to Changing

Concepts of War") (Ph.D thesis, University of California, 1961) Von del' Porten, Edward P.

The German Navy in World Wa1' II (1969)

von Moltke See Moltke, Helmuth K. B., von

Walzer, Michael Walzer, Prisoners of War (Prisoners of War: Does the Fight Con­

tinue after the Battle?"), 63 Ame1·. Pol. Sci. Rev. 777 (1969)



Watson, Liselotte B. "Status of Medical and Religious Personnel in International Law,"

20 JAG J. 41 (1965) Weintraub, Stanley 0

War in the Wards (1976) Werner, Auguste-Raynald

Werner, Croix-Rouge ("Le Croix-Rouge et les Conventions de Ge­neve: Analyse et synthese juridiques") (1943)

White Paper on the French-Algerian Conflict See Algerian Office in New York

Whiting, Charles Massacre at Malmedy (1971)

Wilhelm, Rene-Jean Wilhelm, Le caractere (Le caractere des droits accordes a l'individu

dans les Conventions de Geneve), 32 R.I.C.R. 561 (1950) Wilhelm, Status ("Can the Status of Prisoners of War Be Altered 1")

(1953 English reprint of "Peut-on modifier Ie statut des prison­niers de guerre 1" (pts. 1-2), 35 R.I.C.R. 516, 681 (1953»

Williams, Walter L., Jr. Intergovernmental Military Forces and World Public Order (1971)

Wilson, Robert R. "Escaped Prisoners of War in Neutral Jurisdiction," 35 A.J.I.L.

519 (1941) Winthrop, William

Winthrop, Military Law (Military Law and Precedents) (1886; 2nd ed. rev. and enlarged 1920)

Wosepka, James L. W osepka, Chieu Hoi ("Repatriation and the Chieu Hoi Amnesty

Approach in Vietnam: Consequences and Prospects"), 5 Int. Law. 637 (1971)

Yingling, Raymund T. (and Ginnane, Robert W.) Yingling & Ginnane ("The Geneva Conventions of 1949"), 46

A.J.I.L. 393 (1952)

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