The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

4 PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 30, 1937. LILMANL Shopping Center" formals For The Easter Festivities! $1295 Others to $19.50 In lovely new prints and solid colors I Dance your way into your beau's heart in bewitching printed crepes, printed chit. tons, printed moires -They are decidedly new and different, and. oh, so smart! In one of these new' formals you're sure to be winsome! 9-8-7 ARE LUCKY NUMBERS THEM TO ORDER GOOD COAL Valentine Coal Co.

PHONE 987 And Of Course Have A She Lovely Must Corsage THE DELIGHT THE FEMININE ONE Valley View HAPPY SAM 627 4 2 Meet Happy Sam At 709 West St. Wednesday, 3 to 9 P. M. M. C.

THOMAS FURNITURE CO. Woman 14 In Love BY KATHLEEN NORKIS INSTALMENT 40 Tamara look off her outer thiags and brushed her. soft pair Into a mop: Her room wan pleasantly; warm and orderly and quiet. outside the windows bare branches stood motionless is Chriatmas Eve hear the tour was success, Ellen Martell sald. rather to everyone's The play is full of hokum, but people seem rather to like nokum.

Funny thing," Tam said, when you are young you are our prised if everything lan't casa, and when you get older you're mildly surprised if anything is. 'Seventy ten't Ellen sald dryly. Tam laughed, was thirty on my last birthday," she said. And unexpectedly and a little incoherently she added, "George will be thirty-seven on his next birthday." "He doran't seem that old," Ellen said. Tamara spoke: heavily.

dully: "He looked that today. 1 He looks terribly, Clien," she said. Is as strong horse," Ellen offered rather timidly, 41 know. It. lan't his bodily strength," Tam said, with an head she: away patient, restless movement.

af her an actual pain, don't know," she interrupted herself to say thickly, Aghtine a sudden uprush of teara, "Perhaps I. just imagine. it, but it acema to me he's changing--breaking. George never: was -today he seemed- -when. one of 'the guards spoke to himto be It's killing him," Tam managed to Rammer before the wild burst of crying overwhelmed her and she got to her? feet and went.

blindly to the window. "It's Ellen said, dietressed. For a long while neither spoke. "Maybe I feel it more at Tam said, coming back with her face stained with tears and her lips still trembling. She sat: down, drying her eyes, swallowing hard.

"But to love him she faltered, "and to see all the other women so happy and nay todayand to have to drive away leave him there, with the locks clanging and the place smelling of sickness and carbolic1 and onion stew! No eig chair and no Are and no one to pour him cup of coffee-" "Don't, When It's. once. over, you and George will laugh about It," Ellen sald, touching with timid. hand the head that was suddenly bowed in a fresh burst of grief, "Oh, bo; we'll never laugh. about Tam said, raising hersell agala tote space.

"Nobody'd ever again, wiping her eyes, staring laugh about this And I come your Christmas. party and spoil everything. Ellen," she said polo setically. "I'm ashamed of But time goes by, and work hard and never seem to anywhere, and I think of my lifeeverything gone--no home, no hus band, no children, nothing but 'one night stands and morning rehearsale and dirty dresslag rooms, and George not with me--no one. to plan with or talk "it won't.

be forever!" Clien minded her In the It won't be forever;" said with an effort to speak steadily and naturally that made her words sound abrupt and broken. "But it's not hie health. It's something something in George something that's She was still, and Ellen sald know. But- -but never know when the braek will come." that for two years." Tam auld somberly, "It every. man who's done what George did were prison we'd -not bare anything but prisons! What's It for? What good is it.

doing? George len't going to knock down anybody else, and 12 'he does it Isn't going to be man with heart trouble whose head. hits against stone step! Who's benented1 by the fact that And they're breaking him-killing him! he's to have eight more years of hell before he can come out Into the air "Ah, don't cry, Tam! Maybe this year--maybe the very next time you arked everybody." Tam I. WALTERS 205 W. Main FELT HATS New pastel shades and white! $1.00 Of -The Face, and Roller Hepburn Dazzles 'Em Our cameraman was found wander. ins 'in a daze after be snapped this dasaling smile on Katherine burn as she left theatre in Wash.

Ingion, D. She turned on the charm for the benefit of the lensman Instead of dodging as usual, sald in the ellence. asked newspapermen and governors, senators and everybody! It doesn't moan anything to any. one, of them. Notes -votes might mead something.

Just one woman askIns I'm ashamed of. my. self, Ellen," she added quiekly, penitently, with a change of tone. "Let's 10 downatairs and make ourselves useful! Come on, I'm all' right, and It's Christmas and this la ridiculous!" But on the stairway landing she had another bad minute. 'Bill Martell chanced to arrive home at that' exact moment, and to come In breathless and cold and rosy and laden with packages, and there was a general rush of children to meet Ellen, who had pre ceded Tam, in the midst of them tor his Arst kiss.

he "It' cold! Lat co, Ann; you're throttling me. Hello, Jane; Mother here? Here's Uncle Max!" Tamara went down no further; the could not make herself move toward the riotous young happy group; she could not face tonight the long dinner table, the chatter, the Joyous expectations. and When Billy Martell came up stairs panting a few minutes later, she was standing in her door, with her hat and coat on, Where you going?" be demanded in a tone. of alarm. thought I'd get some.

fresh "This house la hot. But Ellen Bald you were tired--you look tired! 'Hadn't you better lie down for while?" "I am tired," Tamara aid thick-1 ly, coming toward him. "But want to apeak to you minute," she said. She restured toward wide cushioned seat In the hall. did you see Coates!" "Well, 4 saw him list week -I saw.

Whittell, that Billy said, rumpling his hair with a troubled gesture. "He said that the Davis plea had reached him. with the others, and that was all until we sot the letter the other night." "No hope?" Tam asked quietly, looking at him with reddened eyes whose long lashes were stuck Into points: but speaking quietly "He: won't do anything now, Billy shaking his "You think not?" she said quick. ly, hating the big dim upper hall and. the glow and of the light riot from of below- voices stairs, overhead where the children were, and herself, and life.

"Not nOW. Tamara sald, "this, what I want to ask you: we represented new angle on the whole thing-1! we told them the real truth, would it make a differ The man's round eyes moved to bera' in a very consternation of amazement. "My God, Tam, didn't we tell 'em the "Suppose, "them," she said, 10 light frightened voice, "that it. was because of something Mayne Mallory: said of. me that George knocked him was that it?" was it.

He said some thing insulting -something snout ferable-of why, in the name of that's holy, didn't you say "so?" "It would have made difference?" "Mayne got. mad -let me. understand you -and said that you were what's-this and how-d'ye It; was that It "Something like that. He said that he and I had known each other years ago--and that--that And George knocked him down." "Yes, but you're George's wife, Tam; George had a 'dama' good right to knock him down -that'sHoly Nelly!" Billy said, under his breath. "Would it make You asses! Why didn't George.

tell Tamara laid a small hand lightly on the man's band as they sat together in the dimly lighted hall. it happened to be true," she said. There was silence. Billy moved his hand and put it over: hers and patted it. knew?" he said, clearing bis throat.

"Ob yes, months before 1 we were married." "Knew it was Billy sald and fell thoughtful. "That explains the whole thing. knew there was something retting away from me." be muttered. "Blackmall, hey? That's, what he was pulling?" "You mean to say you never thought of that, Billy?" "Thought of--No," he, said, "I never thought of that." It seemed to' me obvious that he was saving me." explains it," said, stilt. amazed.

"It explains me, too. It explains why I can't. bear this any longer." Tamara said, trembling. "It's- retting me. It's gotten him, and it's getting me.

I can't bear "No, no, no, don't say that," Billy murmured soothingly, patting her head again. say that, Tam. Take it was blackmailing you, was he? Ha! Well, George certainly shut him up, didn't he?" "George shut him up." laughed a- brief unhappy laugh. "But he abut himself up, too," she said. Billy stood up, planted" himself before her, his hands in his coat pockets.

Fo dress for Christmas dinner," he said, "and don't worry yourself any more. about "You think there's any chance that that might make a difference, Billy?" don't know. We could try. But the fact that It truethat la, In effect what Mallory charged was true No barm trying it; that le, as far as Coates de concerned. He's a family man, and anything like that might appeal to -Well, I've sot to Billy said.

"That 1s, I've rot to See you In Afteen minutes. Come down a little early, Tam; there's something I want to talk to. you about after I think this over." Tamara went back to her room and walked to one of the darken. Ins windows. Arain there came to her the memory of the jail, of George's It Pays to Play Tapecially these spring days when all outdoors la calling.

Spotlesa Stored carry a large line of Sport Goods by well-known manufacturers at low prices. Fishing Tackle Baseball Landing Gloves -cowhide with leather lined palm and heel laced 1.00 wind Reels Others, Includ. well known Rrand, see to 1.48. and Bamboo Rede to Acata 1.00. Complete Lines with Catcher's Mitts Hooks Carlisle" ringed, Fine juvealle model; horseto 100 Snelled Hooks hide, with laced all leather lined Also Tackle Boxes, Minnow pad, around 1.59 Palla, Seines, Corka, Sinkers, model, 1.35.

Swivels, Teanis Base Balls Major Genuine with and -cork den1 Racketa, standard quahty, ter; fall wad Tennis 2.00 Balls 4.95 gise horsehide and cover; omelal 79c Pennsyivania, tor 1.10 Brand, Oncial League' Balls, made in England, 154, for Amateur Balls- tic. Baseball Bats as Soft Balls, Boys' Uniforms, and Softball Gloves and Beta natty Free Delivery Purchase n. a Spotless Stores 41. Charlottesville and, Frederick Va Let Quaker Lace Solve Your A 4. CURTAIN Problem For Spring 1 Quaker Curtains retain their freshness in spite of wear and washing.

addition our better curtains, see the special numbers that we are now offering you at 95c $125 Hawkins Bros. 1r Co. face. She sighed, shook her head restlessly, and turned back Into the room to light lights and sit down to. study her pale and tearstained face at the mirror.

No use: there was nothing. to Even confession wouldn't help -even revelation. Nobody cared. The governor, and -possibly the world, Informed that George: Davis had knocked down and accidently killed Mayne Mallory. because the Holly.

wood actor had recalled a. truth about Davis's wife, would feel no more kindly to the killer. That wouldn't excuse him; or help free Nothing would! (Copyright 1936, by Kathleen Norfie) -(To be continued.) Tazewell Will Vote On Sale Of Alcohol back from prison." End. Water Sta. 7 Look at La Salle.

its Cost Worth in. SAFETY Alone 1'. roU 1 comfort- aripped the new fartor La Salle would, V.8 still of make its it greater worth beauty more then other cars of similar cost 4 LA SALLE: SAFETY! La Salic, of course, is built by Cadillac. It Cadillac strength, Cadillac endurance, Cadillac roadability. La.

Salle's brakes are big and powerful. Its steering is easy. CADILLAC. and dependable. It has the famous Fisher Unisteel body.

La Salk--and be sale in ALL, waya. Look at La Salle today! In fact, La Salle is worth the price in SAFETY ALONE; price at Detroit, $1095 and up, subject 410. Remember this when you buy your next car, Step on up to $1095 change without notice. This includes all standard AND IP Transportation, State and Local Sola Time, Optional and Equipment- Extra, R. S.

Cole Motor Co. 14 858 West Main Street Phone TAZEWELL, March 30- Voters of County will polls May 27 to decide whether the sale of liquor, wine and beer of more than 3.2 percent alcohol content shall big allowed in the county. -Date for the election was set terday by circuit court Judge A. C. Buchanan on petition of 2,000 voters: Earlier in the month the court had May 14 for "a local option election In the town of Blueneld where a State.

Alcoholic Beverage Control Board atore la operated. Richlands, which restricted the sale of alcoholic beverages in 1931 will not participate in the county referendum. However voters In both. Pocahontas and Tazewell will Love Breeds Honesty NEW YORK, March 30-(P) Sydney Stromberg, twenty, walked Into a polico station with his chin up and asked that he be arrested. He -told the 'Desk Sergeant he had stolen $1,200 in a series of hold-ups.

The police said his story was "I'm in love," Stromberg said. want to marry with. clean hands. She'll wait for me. until I come back from prison." Beauty! In this PHIS CO Modern tomorrow! "And with host of 'exclusive Phileo features, Including Dial, Tuning Ranges, Tone: Philco Foreign System, Color Control.

Beautifal cabinet of less aerial hand-rubbed walnut. Model $59.95 only with Aerial to foreiga re EAST Lewis Radio Service Phone 307 108 4th N.E COMPARE THESE. 5 ESSENTIAL POINT 0-Durability 2-Coverage 3-Hiding Power 4- Good Looks 5 Price Here's a bouse palat that has everything. Made to the riel du Pont standards, every gallon is protested on da Poor "Put Exposed to every conceivable weather condition, 1 must lick them all before it ever reaches our This testing is your assurance of plete satisfaction on every job. $2.85 OU PREPARED PAINT W.


The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.