Allah Help Me— (JJK X OC) - Chapter 11 - XxAzulxXel - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

Allah Help Me— (JJK X OC) - Chapter 11 - XxAzulxXel - 呪術廻戦 (1)

Found the courage to finally post because Gege is seriously starting to piss me off. 🙃

So anyway, ENJOY❤️





This wasn't his domain, nor a place he recognized. The sight of red dunes and rocky landscapes was entirely foreign to him. Sukuna blinked slowly, his hands maintaining the summoning sign of his domain, a perplexed expression etched on his face.

"What in the..."

"Oh, that's Mars." His head snapped toward the foreigner. "Thought it'd be better to go all out on some barren land than risk causing a big mess. I'm not into offing innocents, you know. I'm not an animal." She casually waved a hand.

"Mars...?" He echoed the unfamiliar term, looking thoroughly puzzled until it dawned on him – he couldn't sense anyone nor any living being at all.

"Yep, seems like it canceled your domain," she cracked her neck, a sharp grin spreading across her face. "But go ahead, I'm curious to see how tough that sh*t is gonna be against me! I'm not the boss—wait, am I the boss now? Ah, whatever, let's see if I can tank it!"

All he could manage was a wide-eyed stare, filled with absolute disbelief. If someone had told him there'd still be surprises after all these years, he would've probably laughed in their face before turning them into shreds. "What are you?"

Her smile vanished, replaced by a glare, and her lips curled into a disdainful sneer that irked him to no end. Yet, her next words, though spoken with genuine aversion, brought his thoughts to an abrupt halt.

"Your bride, apparently."—

"Wait, what?" Nobara asked, genuinely perplexed. Megumi shared her confusion, exchanging a glance before both of them turned their attention to the smiling woman before them. Meanwhile, Yuji and Junpei swiftly assumed defensive stances, anticipating what was about to unfold.

Colith co*cked her head slightly, an amused expression on her face. "What? Never played it before? Need a rundown of the rules?"

"It's not that, but 'Tag'? Seriously?" Nobara frowned. "I thought we were here to train or something."

"Oh, it's definitely training, alright!" she chirped with a grin. "I'll be 'it' the whole time. I'll give you a signal, just focus on evading, or there might be consequences!" Her words prompted everyone to instinctively take a step back.

'I thought she was supposed to be nice!' Nobara exclaimed in her mind. "W-what kind of consequences are we talking about exactly?" She swallowed nervously.


Yuji and Junpei shuddered, earning a weird look from Megumi, who, nonetheless, maintained his guard. Nobara stared blankly.

"That's it?" She wasn't even ticklish.

"Oï! Don't underestimate her! You'll regret it!" Yuji hissed with wide eyes, appalled by her nonchalant reaction.

"Why are you so nervous? It's just tickling, stop being such a wimp," she retorted.

"I agree with Yuji; those threats should be taken seriously," Junpei asserted, summoning his familiar, shoulder tense. "Colith-San is not to be underestimated."

"Summoning, really?" Megumi asked in disbelief, to which Junpei nodded and strongly encouraged him to follow suit.

Just as Nobara was about to add another witty remark, the woman interjected, "As I mentioned, focus on evading. I'll adapt initially, but the speed will increase as we progress." She gestured, and numbers materialized in the air. "You have 5 minutes. Give it your all, and don't hold back—I want to see where you stand!"

And just like that, the timer went off.

Yuji and Junpei swiftly dashed away, leaving Nobara and Megumi momentarily bewildered until an impending sense of danger triggered their fight-or-flight instincts. Unfortunately, they weren't quick enough to evade the forehead flicks.


They succumbed to uncontrollable laughter, collapsing to the ground. Ten seconds later, they managed to get up and distance themselves, even though it was evident that she allowed it as she stood on the other side of the field.

Breathing heavily and clearly alarmed, Nobara exclaimed, "What the hell was that?!" she wasn't even ticklish, dammit! What the—

Yuji and Junpei both wore grim expressions, "Now you know. Just keep dodging and attack only when you can! Hope for the best!" Junpei yelled, prompting his summon to create numerous poisonous spiked tendrils.

Megumi immediately summoned both dogs and then the toads, while Nobara swiftly whipped out her trusty hammer and a set of nails, now fully focused. Meanwhile, Yuji assumed a boxing stance, a faint blue aura briefly flickering around his fists before fading. He groaned in frustration. No progress yet!

The timer continued ticking, displaying 4 minutes and 26 seconds, indicating that the entire ordeal lasted a mere 30 seconds. Colith grinned, then bliped out of sight, sending them all into a panic as they scrutinized their surroundings until the white dog barked at the ground.

"Scatter!" Megumi yelled.

And scatter they did. Or tried to. She phazed out of the ground and pounced, sending them all into a state of frenzy.

During the 5-minute span, Nobara was caught 17 times, just a fraction too slow to react initially. Though by the 10th, there was slight improvement, though insufficient to evade being caught 7 more times. Megumi, 9 times due to unexpected surprises but quickly regained his footing and remained relatively safe thereafter. Yuji was caught 3 times and then managed to evade for the rest of the time, while Junpei only got caught once and managed to escape mostly unharmed, despite a few close calls.

They reiterated the hellish exercice three more time until it was break time.

"This was...pure torture..." Nobara complained, sprawled on the grass, twitching ever so slightly. "I never thought I'd prefer getting hurt over going through...that!" The boys agreed, prompting the girl to glare at them from across as they sat, "You don't have any right to complain!"

"Huh? How come?!" Yuji retorted with a scowl, "She got us too, though!" he said, drawing her ire as she gritted her teeth.

"Yes, but who got the worst of it, genius?" None of them responded, already knowing the answer. "That's what I thought," she grumbled.

"Now, now, none of that," Colith called out, grabbing their attention. She handed them all drinks she had purchased from the vending machine. "It just shows you need more training. You've got decent reaction time, but it's not enough, especially against higher-class curses and fast opponents. Escape and evasion are vital skills if you want to survive in this career. Curses can be unpredictable, as seen in your last mission." Nobara appeared chastised but listened attentively. "Cursed spirits with domains are rare, but not impossible to encounter, if you're caught in one, however, you'll be cooked, unless you manage to unlock yours in the near future."

Yuji raised a hand, "What's a domain?"

"Ask your teacher when he returns; he knows more about it than I do," she chuckled at his pout. "By the way, Yuji, nice improvement! You did great this time!" she praised.

"Haha, yeah... Thanks!" He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. Everyone read his sheepishness, and no one probed further.

"Junpei, as usual, great job, but don't get too co*cky; I'll crank up the pace from now on," she advised.

The boy sighed but acknowledged her guidance.

"As for Megumi, you've got a solid foundation, but your reactions tend to lag, leaving you vulnerable. Additionally, your summons appear hesitant, which needs immediate attention."

Megumi frowned, genuinely puzzled as this was an unfamiliar critique for him, but he respected her feedback.

Colith continued, "Work on that, and you'll see significant improvement."

Only two weeks into their first-year classes, and Gojo had already been summoned for a mission, leaving them under Colith's guidance by default. According to Megumi, this wasn't an uncommon occurrence, but it made them realize their teacher's importance for the jujutsu world. It was a rescue mission though, so it shouldn't have taken him more than a few hours before returning. However, they were puzzled by his prolonged absence the second day until Megumi bluntly revealed he might be off buying souvenirs and goofing around.

Their admiration quickly took a nose dive.

The woman took charge, leading their inaugural group training session. As anticipated, it didn't go smoothly, particularly for two of them. Megumi, in particular, found his current summons hesitating to attack, especially the dogs, resulting in initial mishaps. This unexpected discovery left him puzzled, as it was an unprecedented challenge. Nevertheless, he swiftly managed to adapt and performed well.

Nobara had a tougher time. Confident in her background and experience dealing with curses under her grandma's guidance, she believed she'd perform better than the newbies. Discovering she was physically the weakest among them humbled her deeply, and it pissed her off. She immediately requested more rigorous training from the woman in the future, much to her delight.

Glancing at the time, Colith clapped her hands to gather their attention. "Alright, kiddos, evasion tests are over for today!" A collective sigh of relief echoed through the group, grateful they wouldn't endure more. "But now, onto close combat!"

A chorus of groans filled the courtyard, signaling their collective despair at the prospect.

"Goodness gracious, I'm gone for a day and you guys seem like you've been through the wringer," Gojo remarked upon entering the courtyard, finding all of his students sprawled on the grass, battered and bruised. Greeted with a chorus of groans and complaints, he turned to Colith, seated comfortably on a tablecloth, leisurely enjoying a sandwich, and raised an eyebrow. She appeared completely unscathed. "What did I miss?"

Taking a bite of her sandwich, she casually replied, "Oh, not much. Just some light sparring matches, no biggie."

'THERE WAS NOTHING LIGHT ABOUT THIS!' they all wailed in sheer disbelief.

Gojo's shoulders slumped in disappointment, realizing he had missed witnessing Colith in action. He was vocal about it, but the woman simply shrugged and redirected her attention to her meal.

"You know, hearing you laugh seems illegal somehow."

"Shut it, Itadori."


"Get down, brat!"

Yuji immediately obeyed, narrowly dodging another poke from Colith-sensei. As she turned her focus to Junpei, Yuji's mind finally registered the source of the voice.


"Tch, you thick-headed fleshbag, who else do you think it is? Stop daydreaming and focus on the fight!"

"Wait, you told me to dodge...are you helping me?" he squinted suspiciously. "Why?"

"Stop questioning me and just do as I say!"

"Nah, you're fishy as hell! You barely even talk to me, and all of a sudden, you're giving me orders? Unless you spill what you're up to, I won't listen."

"You little—don't you see that I'm trying to—"

Colith-sensei poked him in the ribs, sending him collapsing to the ground in fits of laughter. Yet, to his surprise, he wasn't alone in experiencing this reaction. Alongside his laughter, he heard Sukuna's laughter echoing in his mind, revealing the curse's susceptibility to Colith-sensei's powers. Yuji was utterly bamboozled by this new discovery.

"Does that mean you'll help me from now on?" he asked, hopeful yet cautious of Sukuna's motives. Would that make him like to Naruto? That would be awesome!

"In your dreams, brat—Left!—I'd sooner disembowel myself than succumb to the wench's wizardry—Duck!—this will be the sole exception—DODGE!"

Thanks to this weird alliance, Yuji only got snagged three times—a pretty big shift from his usual five or even ten slip-ups due to getting distracted. But now, dealing with this new knowledge, especially after that night, had him on edge. He wasn't exactly thrilled about what it might mean. Knowing Sukuna only jumps in when Colith-sensei's around, he was reluctant to drag her into the mess with the curse.

Yosh! He'll do everything in his power not to let him out!

"I can hear your thoughts, idiot."

"Well screw you too, then."

"You've been to Tokyo a couple of times and you've never been there?!" Nobara asked, appalled.

Yuji scratched his head sheepishly, "Well, Colith-sensei forbade me from going there. Everytime I ask why, she gets all grumpy and mutter 'Cursed place' before walking away."

Megumi and Nobara exchanged glances, while Junpei nodded in agreement from his seat. He turned his head, facing them, "Yeah, same here. She warned me never to set foot there without her and never really explained..." he mused, rubbing his chin. "Wonder what's out there to make her react this way. It's the only time I've ever seen her on edge, actually."

They all contemplated for a few seconds until Nobara suddenly spoke.

"Hey, Kiyokata-san, would it be possible to make a quick detour to Shibuya?"

Yuji gasped, "Are you nuts!? Didn't you hear what we said?"

"Relax, no need to make a big deal of it!" she said, pushing his face away. "I just want to know what's the deal with this order. What better way to find out than to investigate? Admit it, you guys are curious too!"

All the boys twitched, but none of them responded, prompting a smug look on her face. She reiterated her demand, and seeing the puppy eyes through the rear-view mirror, Ijichi sighed.

Glancing briefly at his watch, he said, "It'll be possible, but I'm afraid it won't be for long. You'll have, at most, 5 minutes before we head to the detention center. Is it still worth it?"

They mulled it over for a few seconds until Nobara slapped a hand over Megumi's mouth, halting his impending refusal. "That'll do!"

"This is a complete waste of time," Megumi drawled after removing her hand.

"Oh shut it, you buzzkill! We're going to Shibuya!"

"...You were just finding an excuse to go there for free, didn't you?" Yuji's eyes narrowed.

Her only answer was an shameless grin.

In the end, they found nothing, but Nobara somehow ropped them all into an impromptu shopping spree. How they managed it all under 5 minutes, is still a mystery.

For the girl, this day couldn't be any better!

"Been wondering, how old are you, anyway?"

"Didn't they teach you that asking a lady her age is impolite?"

"Yeah, but I figured you wouldn't care about such things."

"Touché." She chuckled.

Once again, Gojo got summoned for another rescue mission, this time to Hokkaido. Never having been there before, Colith allowed herself to be persuaded to follow him, more out of curiosity than anything else. It had been a place she had planned to visit some time ago anyway.

"Actually," she mused, "I'm technically older than this world, all things considered." This revelation stemmed from the fact that Jujutsu Kaisen was published in 2018, and she was still in high school at that time.

Gojo abruptly stopped in his tracks, while Colith carried on.

"My age isn't really relevant, but if it helps, I'll be turning 28 in a few months, or 29? Mah, it's a bit confusing." she eyed him quizzically, "What's up with the blindfold?"

Lowering it down, he remarked, "Just checking something, don't mind me," he cleared his throat with a hint of apparent befuddlement, "Golly, any more and I'd think you were some kind of eldritch abomination!"

"Maybe I am."

"Otaku-chan, don't play with my heart like that." He said blankly, causing her to crack a smile.

Just as she was about to deliver another witty quip, her head abruptly snapped in a random direction, her eyes glowing fiercely.


Her eyes narrowed, signaling her understanding. A poof of smoke ensued, revealing...

"A replica?!" Gojo exclaimed, surprised. So, she could create clones too. What other abilities did she possess?

"You know what to do," she instructed the jittery-looking clone with firmness, and it nodded before swiftly disappearing from view. If he was perplexed earlier, he was now thoroughly bamboozled. She turned to him with a blank face, saying, "You'll have to excuse me; I've got something to deal with. See ya later."

Before he could react, she vanished too, leaving him alone on the Goryokaku Tower.

A special grade! Of all things, they had to stumble upon a freaking special grade!

'Damn it!' Megumi cursed, hastily glancing at the spot where Yoshino and Kugisaki fell through. He shifted his focus to the creature before them. It was ridiculously fast, but surprisingly, he managed to track its movements well enough to pull Itadori away just before he could lose a limb.

'This is the worst!' The urgency of the situation weighed heavily on Megumi's thoughts.

They lacked the strength and manpower to handle this threat, and he couldn't afford any distractions, yet...

His gaze fixed upon the crater his white divine dog had been flung to earlier. However, it appeared the special grade had taken notice of the collar around its neck—




"You've had these guys since you were a kid, huh?" Colith-san asked out of the blue, gently ruffling the fur of both dogs.

He nodded slowly, observing the unusual behavior of his dogs with a sweat drop. They had never reacted like this, not even when he offered them treats.

She hummed softly, glancing at him and then at the two enthusiastic canines before nodding. Suddenly, two collars with strange rocks in the middle appeared in her hands. "May I?"

He blinked, a touch intrigued, before nodding. "What are they for?" he inquired, observing as she finished fastening them around the dogs' necks. An odd sensation gripped his core suddenly, leaving him puzzled.

"The gem acts as a safeguard to prevent their demise. I might sound like I'm spouting nonsense, but rumor has it that once destroyed, summoning the same shikigami becomes impossible. Is this a universal rule or unique to yours?" he confirmed with a dumbfounded nod, "I see, all the more reason for this." She gently tapped the gem, "they cannot be removed, so don't try. Only I can take them off. Since they're your summons, chances are it won't harm you. But just to be safe, refrain from trying. You can touch them, as long as you have no intention to remove them. They sense intentions, so be cautious and keep others away."

He gulped, a bit apprehensive, "What happens if someone else tries to remove them?"

She smiled.




He stood there in morbid awe, his eyes wide, as the upper right side of the special grade's body exploded into bits after its ill-fated attempt to seize the black gem.

The creature screeched in agony, brought to its knees, panic evident in its wide eyes. Sensing an opportunity, Itadori seized the moment and lunged, barely managing to infuse his blade with cursed energy. Just as he was inches away from striking, the creature deftly ducked, countering by kicking Itadori away, sending him flying through the air. Even wounded, it was still quick enough to evade them. That wasn't good.

All set to summon another shikigami and dive into the action, he paused when Itadori pushed him to go find the others and bail. Of course, he pushed back, claiming they had a slim chance to beat it. Itadori shot back, saying he was the only one who could navigate with one divine dog still in play—keeping it alive was a big deal. Plus, the news that Itadori planned to unleash Sukuna once they were out of danger was all it took to convince him even though, thinking back about it at the time, it was a dumb move.

"What about Yuji?"

Yoshino inquired as soon as he arrived. He looked a bit banged up, panting, but overall seemed okay. On the other hand, Kugisaki appeared worse for wear, limping slightly. It seemed they had successfully dealt with whatever they were facing. He briefed them on the situation while guiding them to the exit, where Ijichi awaited. Both seemed unhappy about leaving their friend behind but acknowledged their current state rendered them ineffective. They'd be a liability more than anything else.

His remaining dog emitted the signal. All he could do was hope that things would go according to plan...

He grudgingly acknowledged a hint of impressed sentiment. Despite being a far cry from what he typically witnessed, the kid managed to put on a somewhat decent performance. Nevertheless, disappointment still seeped in by the end.

"After all those months under her guidance, this is the mediocre showing you're capable of? How disappointing," Sukuna stated in a bored tone. Although the woman had primarily honed the brat's physical prowess, he couldn't shake the frustration that she had stooped to these miserable human levels.

Sukuna sighed as he regarded the pathetic creature before him. It irked him that these sorcerers dared to lump them together in the same category. 'Special grade?' This thing wasn't even worth a toenail.

With an annoyed click of his tongue, he promptly retrieved the finger lodged in the cursed spirit's chest. Just a mere finger-bearer, it appeared. He wasn't naive. It appeared someone had intentionally placed it there to draw them in, although he didn't concern himself much with the specifics of such a calculated scheme. Nonetheless, he might offer a token of gratitude to whoever orchestrated it.

"Oi Brat ! If you're going to switch just get on with it! I don't have your time!" he snarked, fully anticipating an immediate return to his domain.

He waited.

And waited.

A wicked grin spread across his lips as he realized what was occuring.

"I fail to see what you find funny."

He jumped, startled by the sudden voice inches away from his ear. Snapping his head to the left, he was met by those striking gold eyes boring straight into his soul. Before he could react, her hand shot up to grab his face—

"You alright, kid?"

Megumi startled, almost slipping into a fighting stance before recognizing the voice.

"T-Tobe-san?!" he exclaimed.

"Sheesh, how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Colith?" the woman pouted before smiling, "Rough mission, huh? Come here, you'll catch a cold standing in the rain like that," she beckoned him over.

He blinked in utter bewilderment, "What happened to Itadori?"

It was her turn to blink. On her shoulder was an unconscious Itadori Yuji, slumped over. The domain had already disappeared, something he assumed to be Sukuna's doing. Her unexpected appearance caught him off guard.

"Oh, him? Nothing, don't sweat it," she said, casually tossing and catching one of Sukuna's fingers in her other hand. He tensed up, "Just found this laying around, must be why you guys were having so much trouble against whatever was in there." She eyed it for a moment and then tucked it in her pocket. "Where are the others?" she asked, handing him an umbrella that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Megumi gingerly accepted the item, slightly put off, "They were taken to the hospital..." He missed the brief moment her gaze landed on something in the distance.

She hummed, "Tell Ijichi-kun to just bring them to school instead; I'll handle it." She nodded and began to walk off. Megumi quickly followed.

"Weren't you in Hokkaido with Gojo-sensei? How did you know that we..." he trailed off.

"Future shenanigans."

That... made sense.

He startled when he felt her hand gently rest on his shoulder, and before he could comprehend what was going on, their surroundings shifted. They were back to school. Aside from the sudden whiplash he just experienced, another Colith-san made her appearance, did a thumbs-up and poofed out of existence.

Megumi decided he was too tired to question whatever the heck just happened and promptly took a nap.

The very next day, they all received a missive stating an apology regarding the mission, followed by five million yen in compensation.

Itadori and Kugisaki fainted.

Gojo sensei was pressured into giving a far more intricate lesson about binding vows. Something he's pretty sure they shouldn't learn until next semester.

Kokichi Muta observed the scene in the rain with a certain level of intrigue.

These were rare moments when he could catch a glimpse of the strange foreigner. Unable to properly investigate due to her frequent presence with Gojo Satoru, who would have immediately noticed his drones, he had decided to focus on surveilling Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuji, as per Geto Suguru's additional request. So far, he had learned that she was the vessel's former teacher, a detail that seemed unimportant in the grand schemes of things.

He wondered what her continued presence on the school grounds meant. Despite lacking cursed energy, this woman had managed to conjure an object. She didn't seem like a sorcerer, yet she was always seen with them. His curiosity piqued, he decided to keep an eye on her, intrigued by her unusual abilities. Unsure if Geto would be interested, given his focus on Sukuna's vessel rather than some odd woman, he still reported his findings. Geto merely responded with a nonchalant hum, showing no real interest in the matter.

Labeling her as just a simple civilian seemed unwise, especially since she was clearly aware of his drones. The first time had been particularly unsettling when her gaze landed directly on one of them. He hadn't anticipated the flash of recognition in her eyes, which naturally made him tense up. Yet, to his surprise, she went about her day as if nothing had happened. This left him with footage of her mostly wandering around Tokyo, just like any other tourist.

He was perplexed.

First by her recognition, and second by the fact that she hadn't acted on it. She would occasionally throw a smile his way, as if she knew he was watching. He couldn't explain it, but something about her, especially her eyes, was strangely comforting.

Kokichi Muta was unsure what to make of this, especially since the constant pain he experienced seemed to lessen whenever his drones were spotted by her. With the Goodwill Event around the corner, an odd feeling of anticipation began to take root and he couldn't help but wonder what her role would be.

He'd be lying if he said that he was happy to return to school. Sure, missions, long ones were a hassle to deal with. He had a life to live, eager students to teach the way of the blade and a sister to visit, occasionally that is. Being a grade one sure wasn't easy, but hey, at least he wasn't Gojo. A walking nuke that was always being summoned to deal with impossible missions, though impossible might not even be in that walking disaster's vocabulary, but he digresses.

Atsuya was tired, but in a somewhat good mood. The mission, more like field trip, was a success, his students had survived, mostly bruised but okay, a miracle in their line of work, and he was seriously debating whether or not to punch the head of the Zenin clan for being a massive dickhe*d to his student. Regardless, he'd heard about the cursed womb situation, wondering what the hell those geezers were thinking when they sent first years of all things to deal with this crap. Even the second years weren't qualified enough to deal with it, and they fought Geto of all things.

Good news: none of them died. Bad news: Sukuna's vessel was among them. Yep, the same ancient, vengeful curse feared for a thousand years was in their midst.

Why on earth would anyone mess with someone hosting such a catastrophe? Luckily, Yaga mentioned that the unlucky kid was easygoing, so he might not unleash chaos as payback. Still, hearing that those pompous geezers suddenly decided to apologize—and worse, two of them stepped down—left Atsuya in a state of cognitive dissonance.

He's pretty damn sure the whole Jujutsu world is in shambles at the moment. He's just been gone a month fo f*ck's sake, did Gojo have a hand in this? Did that white haired nuisance manage to make them retire due to sheer annoyance? Well he—

"Oh hey, Atsuya, long time no see."

"Yeah yeah, whatever—"

He stopped in his tracks and made a sharp U turn. His eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.



His mouth fell agape, "What are you doing here?!" he shouted, bringing a hand to his katana. The woman shrugged.

"Oh you know, just hanging around."

"Hanging around?!"

"Hanging around." she grinned, causing him to tense. Everything was still as they locked eyes. Those same eerie eyes he knew he'd never been able to forget. What...

He startled when a pink blur appeared around a corner, gasped and then ran toward them.

"Colith-sensei! You absolutely gotta see this! Fushiguro's about to fight an elephant!!" the boy exclaimed excitedly, then paused when he noticed him. "Oh, hello!" he greeted quickly before dashing off with an excited whoop.

"No running in the halls—and off he goes," she sighed, shaking her head with a smile. "Well, I guess I'll see you around. Bye, Atsuya." With that, she walked off in the same direction as the pink-haired boy.

All Atsuya could do was blink, his brain still trying to catch up. Did that kid just call her 'sensei'? Wait, who even is this kid? What—?

"Hey, look who's back! Glad to see you in one piece, Atsuya!" Gojo greeted with a grin as he approached, then paused and tilted his head slightly. "Why the stance?"

Atsuya's eyes widened as he looked at his colleague. "What is she doing here?" he whispered.

Gojo stood there, seemingly trying to understand, then slammed his fist into his palm in realization. "Oh, you mean Otaku-chan!"


"Yeah, don't worry about it, I've got it covered!" Gojo said, giving a thumbs up, further bewildering Atsuya.

He blinked slowly, staring at him, "...Why do you have a bump on your head?"

His question earned him a petulant pout from the man who crossed his arms before sighing, "I guess this is the consequence of not warning Yuji-kun about binding vows. He unleashed Sukuna—" Atsuya tensed up, "—on their last mission and apparently had trouble switching back."

"Do you even realize what you're saying? And who the hell is this 'Yuji-kun' ?"

The sounds of trumpets went off with prejudice, followed by crashing sounds that subsequently shook the building snapped him out of it. He rushed to the window to see what was going on and stared dumbly as Fushiguro Megumi battled against an aggravated pink elephant while students he has yet to meet cheered him on alongside the bewildered group of second year. Even the woman was among them.

"That's Yuji-kun." Gojo pointed at the bubbly teen bouncing around in excitement. Atsuya nearly choked on his spit.


Alright, he was definitely having an aneurysm. And he needed a drink asap!

She had a really vague impression of having been kidnapped once.

What could have warranted such a reaction? No clue—it had just happened the day before the night parade of the hundred demons. Maki wasn't superstitious, even with her job, but she wasn't clueless. Something was definitely off, especially after facing Geto himself and having her glasses smashed by the powerful curse user.

She could see curses now. And hadn't that been a surprise? She honestly had no clue how to process the news considering that she didn't have a lick of cursed energy, curtesy of Gojo-sensei, coursing through her. Eventually, she took it in stride, although it came with those weird warm feelings, feelings that intensified a lot upon meeting that foreign woman, Colith, right?

Maki didn't have a problem with foreigners, but this one really unsettled her. Plus, when they locked eyes, Colith seemed genuinely surprised to see her.

In true Maki style, she bluntly asked if there was a problem. It might've sounded rude, but that was just how she was. Inumaki and Panda looked vaguely disappointed in her. She'd rip them a new one later.

"You just remind me of someone dear," Colith said warmly, not offended at all.

Maki had no idea how to respond, and before she could react, a stray blast of water hit her right in the face.


The threat now included her cousin too.

It might seem hypocritical for her to question why there was a non-sorcerer among them, given her own situation, but she still found it odd to have her around. That was, until she noticed the scars and muscular build the woman had, and did a double take when that pink-haired ball of energy called her "sensei."

A new teacher, then.

A new teacher who quickly denied being one, much to her confusion.

Later, after wrestling her cousin into submission, she found out the woman was responsible for the Shinjuku incident—she was definitely not calling it the Christmas miracle, Gojo-sensei be damned.

"With all that yapping I was expecting you to be more bite than bark! What happened? Now that I'm facing you, cat got your tongue?" She taunted with a smirk, "What happened to all this energy you were using to spew nonsense all those days ago, huh?" she came to stop right at the foot of the bony structures, her eyes not once leaving him. "You know what? I'm kinda in a good mood, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," she idly tapped a finger on her arm, "Mind telling my why on earth can I feel some of my aura in your gut?"

To be honest, that's the first thing she noticed as soon as she entered his domain. Yuji had fallen asleep a short while ago on the couch, an opportunity to finally make contact with Sukuna that she seized. Why? Getting back at him for all those derogatory names via beating his ass, that's one, yes, she was petty. Nothing to do with the recent chapters. Yes. She was now up to date with the manga and her dislike for the guy was through the roof!

She should've ripped that gege plush Yaga was keeping in his office to shreds! Insufferable little sh*t—

But anyway, she stopped short as soon as she felt something resembling her aura flowing through his being, his soul more precisely.

And wasn't that a shock? Even more shocking was his lack of reaction to her intrusion. He was simply staring at her with thoseunreadable piercing red eyes. Who knows what was going on in that head of his.


She was beginning to run out of patience. Although time didn't flow the same here and outside, she'd rather be elsewhere than in his presence. Thank god, hovering was a thing. She did not want to wet her feet in whatever liquid this was. Blood, really? How edgy–

"You're not the same."

She blinked, slightly taken aback before registering his words.


"Your lack of drive for combat," he clicked his tongue, seemingly disappointed or displeased— honestly she couldn't tell, "it sickens me."

Her eye twitched, "Oh ?" within moments, she was in front of him, a hand gripping his neck, "I don't think you realize how close you are to meeting your end, fiend. Don't think I can't just erase you from existence," her eyes glowed threateningly, "Don't push your luck."

She watched as the King of curse's face momentarily stilled before a crazed grin appeared, which disturbed her more than it should have. She sneered, now she understood how Robin felt when Franky took over Chopper's body. Ugh. His smile vanished as she retracted her hand, now replaced with a scowl.

It seems he realized she was not here to fight.

"You seem to know me," she inquired idly instead, floating around, "How come?" he did not respond, electing to watching her instead. How odd, shouldn't he actively be trying to dice her? It was as if he already knew what she was capable of. Come to think of it, he didn't seem surprised by her abilities. Something was definitely not adding up.

Jabbing a finger to his cheek, she spoke, "You're one strange motherf*cker you know that?"

Sukuna grunted and then batted her hand away from him. His actions were halfhearted. She stared in silence.

Without a word she appeared at the foot of the bony structure and stared in contemplation.

She squattered his pile of bones with a kick in retaliation.

Allah Help Me— (JJK X OC) - Chapter 11 - XxAzulxXel - 呪術廻戦 (2)

"Colith-sensei! Do the thing!!"


Allah Help Me— (JJK X OC) - Chapter 11 - XxAzulxXel - 呪術廻戦 (3)


[Art by you know who]

Allah Help Me— (JJK X OC) - Chapter 11 - XxAzulxXel - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.