ruby says things @candiwave - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)



Jun 9

After Everything Is Over (Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Spoilers)

Somehow, by some miracle, they won. Sukuna was dead. Japan has reached peace, a bittersweet peace. Itadori looks up at the sky, for the first time in months he's learned to appreciate the blue.

"Itadori." Todo calls for his brother, Itadori looks back with a somber expression. "I need to take a walk, okay?.. I'll be back." He replies. He steps through the carnage all around, collapsed buildings, scorch marks across Shibuya, Shinjuku reduced to rubble... Nothing is like the world he was once part of. Was killing Sukuna even helpful? Everything's already destroyed, and there's no one left... He's not satisfied. Itadori keeps walking, before arriving at his old school. By some miracle, that old place is intact. It's almost insulting. The night his life became hell... And the place is still standing.

He hops the fence, landing on the pavement. He remembers when the vibration of landing was something he could feel. Now its practically like walking for him. He steps into the building, looking at all his old classrooms, and laments the fact he hasn't seen his old friends in months.

He makes his way up the stairs, all the way to the roof, sitting on a bench, looking out over the city. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, before opening them...

A man stands at the edge of the roof. His blue button-up, suspenders, and white suit pants... He looks back at Itadori.Itadori's eyes widen, color returning to them in the moment they made eye contact. With a smile, the man fades away as the sun shines over the roof. Yuji looks down, the dotted necktie now in his hand. He nods silently, standing up, wrapping it around his arm, tightening it, before stepping towards the edge of the roof.

Itadori smiles.

#Jujutsu Kaisen#Kento Nanami#Itadori yuji#Sukuna#Post-Manga Spoilers


Apr 11

art by KING_LIMINAXE(my boyfriend who you should follow), this is Jisu Han, a kumiho given flesh. Emilia is a chosen name of hers, but Jisu is her real name. It's not a deadname, she doesn't hate being called Jisu, but she only lets close people call her it.

I've worked on this silly little sh*t for like 10 years, starting when i was 12, and now i'm 22, so she's been with me literally half my life. You could ask a million questions about her, I'd have an answer.

anyway, i plan on posting oc writing on here!



Mar 21

i headcannon that sukuna killed shigemo because he found shigemo to be grossany time something makes sukuna uncomfortable it's literally been shown to all be sh*t akin to sexism, sexual harassment, or just something plain gross, like when yorozu has flirted with him in the past, each time has resulted in her getting murderedbut specifically when she was in the sister of the body he was possessing, he looked especially grossed out

so yeah shigemo, a weird misogynist and guy who just seems like he'd be a real creepo would definitely be someone sukuna kills for fun i dont even think shigemo was in Itadori's visions of guilt when he woke up in his own body (tho i could be wrong)

#jjk#sukuna#ryomen sukuna#jujutsu kaisen



Mar 4



This is Adam Erickson, pastor at the Clackamas United Church of Christ in Milwaukee, Oregon!


Oh finally. A real Christian.



I’m an atheist and I’d still attend.


Mar 4


presley belongs to me, emilia belongs to my gf


the hot trans guy in question

#there he is the hot trans guy


Mar 4


gf's oc


part 2


hey who wants to learn about her she's an oc i've had for 10 years

#oc#my oc#she's dating a hot trans guy pirate


Feb 17

Azzy's Storyshift Concept (i go by azayzel sometimes im not asriel)

Spooky - A strangely sinister flower that acts quite hollow, and emotionless. Tells it to you straight that they're here to kill the sh*t out of you.

Papyrus - The guardian of the "TEMPLE OF MYSTICAL MAGIC"(dubbed by papyrus), which is open for all monsters to come and go from. He's hilariously good at his job to a point of it making little sense- But no human has died on his watch!

Alphys - A meek, cowardly dino, who's a science enthusiast. Perhaps she's running from something, but it's hard to even be in the same room as her without her bolting in the opposite direction.

Chara - A human with a low tone, a dark sense of humor, and doesn't seem to care for much outside of their brother. They have very little regard for pronouns that are used on them--(they're THAT kind of nonbinary) They dress either androgynous, masculine, or feminine on different days and circ*mstances, literally not giving a sh*t. At first, they hate Frisk, due to being human-- Despising them for association with Chara's past abuse, but slowly, they'll grow more fond of Frisk like a younger sibling, culminating at the judgement hall scene where Chara outrigtht thanks Frisk for restoring their faith in humanity.

Asriel - An insanely goofy teenage boy who is often the only reason Chara laughs earlier in the story. It's obvious Chara has little enjoyment of most things, so Asriel making sure that they're having a good day has been overall a positive thing for them. He's enthused by the various puzzles where he lives-- "SHOOTING STAR SEA" --Though he wants to solve them, rather than make them-- As he's looking for a hidden treasure.

Toriel - The reigning Queen of Monsters, as well as CARETAKER OF THE WILD CANYON, she patrols the canyon itself, looking for any human that may find themselves where they shouldn't be-- And make sure they're safe.

Asgore - The illustrious KING of monsters resides, in the center of the Underground, here to guide his people. Both him, and Toriel guide you through the Crystal Valley, it's very clear Asgore is a fatherly individual, making sure Frisk is safe at every turn. He even makes the suggestion that Frisk can stay with him and Toriel, get along with their Son and Indiscernible Gendered Child. He also is into FLOWER SCIENCE for FUNZIES.Undyne - Guarding the LIGHT CITY, the final area of the UNDERGROUND, is the famous, beloved SUPERHERO, UNDYNE THE UNDYING. A woman who can never be beaten, a woman stronger than all of the underground. The greatest challenge Frisk will face on their journey, provided they don't kill anyone. She can be easily spared if you show that you have a strong sense of justice, as well as kindness, however.

Sans - The boss of the LIGHT CITY SUMMIT CASINO, the final area of the story. He's a very lazy boss, always on break, and his design isn't very different-- He just has a bowtie. While in a no mercy route, he'll be true hell for anyone facing him, in pacifist, he'll pretty much be your best friend throughout the entire game-- He even shows up in the TEMPLE OF MYSTICAL MAGIC. Chara is actually somewhat fond of him, like a strange uncle. His effortless presence in the underground might as well make HIM the leader, rather than the science king.

Napstablook - A forsaken human that became "Spooky" due to Alphys's experiments long ago. This is why she hides in shame. Turns out, when a ghost, or soul possesses a biosynthetic body they go completely insane--- The story has you free them from the synthetic prison, where eventually they apologize for their behavior and Alphys apologizes to them.

this is very early and copy pasted from discord messages i just wanted to share (almost everything subject to change)

#Undertale#Au#Undertale Au#Storyshift#Casino Sans Lol


Feb 12


"Do you really think this is a good idea?" A human with a green sweater, a single yellow stripe at the chest, looks over to a white goat child. He just smiles reassuringly. "Well, I don't think they'll get bored of fighting us over and over.. Frisk is currently acting on their own accord... Maybe there's something else influencing them, but.. Regardless, we won this time." Chara nods, looking to the reset button. "... Will we be together after all of this?"Asriel presses the button without hesitation, the sky begins to crack. "We'll always be together, Chara. No matter what."Chara tears up, grabbing Asriel's hand. "... Guess it's my turn to be the crybaby, huh?"----"Kris!" Toriel calls from downstairs. "Come look! Asriel's home!" Kris practically leaps out of bed, they quickly throw on some pants, and rush downstairs, still in their pajama shirt. Standing in the living room was none other than their brother, Asriel. "Asrie-" Kris starts to speak, but they pause when they see someone else. Another human. "So you must be the little monster." They kneel, hand on Kris's head. "Good to meet you. Chara." "Kr-.. Kris." Kris was conflicted... Another human? "Don't worry," Chara stands up straight. "I wanted to be a monster when I was a kid, too." Kris looks them over. ".. Really?""Yeah. But then," Chara wears a creepy expression. "I realized how fun it was to scare people with being the weirdo of the group."Kris laughs. Asriel, knowing this would happen, just steps into the kitchen. "Gonna grab a drink!"

"Kid's got school today, right?" Chara asks. "How about Azzy and I walk 'em?" Toriel chuckles. "That'd be just fine, Chara. I'm glad you hit it off with Asriel so well-- It's good that he has friends."Chara snorts. "You should have heard how he introduced himself. 'You ever heard of super smashing fighters'?" "Hey!" Asriel laughs. "It was a legitimate question!"


"The school freak." Kris tenses up, looking back to see a purple clawed hand smash their locker. They look up to see Susie. "You're not gonna tell Alphys about the chalk going missing, right?""I-- Wha-- What cha--"Susie's claws dig into the locker, denting the metal. "You know I don't like it when you play stupid with me,""Not bad." Susie freezes up at the voice, looking back to see Chara, leaning on the wall. "But if you want a scary face," they put on possibly the most chilling smile Susie's ever seen, which makes her back off from Kris. "I'd say you're trying too hard." "Whoa, okay, man-- I'll back off." "No, no, everything's fine, we're all friends here." Chara snickers, their face turning normal. "I'm sure you two were just playing around, but you know. Kris deserves an apolo--""Uhm." The three of them all look to see a dinosaur teacher, clearing her throat. "Office-- Please." ----"Ugh, this is so laaaame." Chara steps down the hall, hands in their pockets. "I was trying to help.""Yeah, well you're scary as hell." Susie growls. "Pssh." Chara replies. "You were scaring Kris, so.""Do you really need that freak to protect you?" Susie asks Kris, elbowing them. "Where's-- Wasn't the Office back there?" Kris asks in a small voice.Chara had their hand on a door. "I thought it was this one." They open it, and.. It's like the doorway glowed with nothing but darkness, the lights flickering, it felt like time stood still. "Asriel's waiting for me outside, soooo how about you guys go in and I leave?" Chara asks, before Susie literally shoves them in. They fall.. For a long time."What?" Susie looks back at Kris, then the closet. "... Oh, hell, I have to save them don't I?" Susie grabs Kris's wrist, leaping in, as well-- ---Kris gasps, sitting up, looking around to see a distant castle town, with.. Two distant pillars of light. They stand up, looking around, slowly stepping forwards into a strange, dark world.

#Undertale#Deltarune#idk what to call this#au#undertale au#deltarune au#asriel#chara#kris#susie#part 2 out soon


Feb 7

guess what im doing utdr now ahahaha

gimme prompts and i'll do them probably

#undertale#deltarune#undertale yellow#undertale au#deltarune au#sans


Dec 14, 2023

Jujutsu Kaisen: The White Wolf

My technique is stronger.I have more energy. Way more energy.I am just better than him, so why?Mahito rushes through the rubble of Shibuya, panting, grasping at anything he could, throwing it at Itadori, who just takes the weakly thrown objects. "Get-- Get away!!" Were the only words Mahito could muster as he kept running. Running, as all his natural enemy-- No, Natural Predator simply walked towards him. His leg twisted as he ran, before he looked back, staring into the eyes of a wolf. He was merely a rabbit with a broken ankle. He whimpers, staring up at Itadori, shaking his head, his lip quivering. "You were right, Mahito." The Wolf starts, his gaze remaining. "I am you... We're the same. You kill humans as plain as day, and I kill curses. There's no reason for it. I shouldn't try to find a justice in it. I just want to kill you. Come back, and I'll kill you. Change your form, your name, your voice, I'll kill you."Mahito screams, before throwing a rock at Itadori, who just takes it to the forehead, before reeling back, and punching Mahito in the face-- Blood spewing from his mouth. He hits him again. And again, before kicking him away. Mahito chokes on the blood pouring from the disfigured inside of his mouth, crawling away, before looking up to see his leader before him. "Geto..?"Geto, amused by the sight he witnessed, of Mahito simply trembling at his feet, just gives him a slight grin. "Shall I save you, Mahito?"

#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#mahito#yuji itadori#geto suguru#kenjaku#jjk spoilers#i pretty much just wrote out the exact scene for practice lmfao


Dec 12, 2023

Dragon Ball Echoes Chapter 1: The Frieza Force's Best

Honestly, this is just a low effort fanfic that I wanted to do just to relax my brain a bit. Expect more posts in the future, with raising stakes, and more fun battles to be had!


Ten years ago, the greatest threat the Earth had ever seen; Cell Max was felled by the combined efforts of their mightiest warriors; Son Gohan, and Piccolo of Namek. They were among the greatest warriors in the seventh universe. These warriors are, and have always been saving the planet from any threat that may dare come its way…—

“And that shouuuuld do it.” Fingers lift from a dusty keyboard, and a girl leans back in her chair. Her room was covered in souvenirs, one such one was a glass case with a purple gi inside of it– A few stitched up holes. Standing up from the chair, stretching, was a girl of about 15 years of age. Her hair short, scruffy, but clean, her eyes big, gray, full of life.Pan, the daughter of Son Gohan, and Videl (Writer’s note: I think her last name is Satan?) had just finished her homework for the evening. She decided that it was time for her to sneak out– Which never really worries her parents, as long as she’s back by 10. She flies off, zooming through the clouds, laughing as she does so, a sonic boom erupting from her and her immense speed.

After a while of flying, she skids along the ground in a desert. “... Uncle Piccolo said he’d be out here.” She folds her arms. She was still in her school uniform, though that didn’t stop her. She just steps forwards, before– A glimmer. A shimmering light comes from further away. A floating crystal, glowing brightly. She steps closer to it, before it suddenly shatters open, and out come five silhouettes. They each crash down.

“Guldo!” The small green one yells.

“Uhh– What?” Pan opens her mouth to speak.

“Jeice!” The taller red one then barks out, a very obvious australian accent leaving his lips.

“Recoome!~” The most human-looking one had a flamboyant lilt to his tone.

Pan just opens her mouth to speak again, before-

“Burter!” The tallest of them as well introduces himself, and then the purple one.

“Captaiiiiiiiiin GINYU!” He yells, before they all syncronize into a pose.

“Together we are… The Ginyu Force!!!!”

Pan stares at them, and immediately equates them to her father’s Great Saiyaman persona. “Oh. Good. You guys must be friends-”

“Actually, we’re here to kill every Saiyan here!” Guldo growls. “After that Goku and Vegeta beat us back on Namek, we want vengeance!”

The rest of the force all cheer, and pump their fists in the air.

“Really? You guys?” Pan questions, laughing, before clearing her throat. “Sorry, you just.. Really aren’t strong enough to beat anybody here.”

Jeice rolls his eyes, before tapping his scouter. “You’ve got a power level of 10, kiddo.”

“Wait, Jeice.. She can hide her power level.” Ginyu replies, stepping forwards. “Let’s all sync up on this one, we know how dangerous Earthlings can get!”

Burter leaps into action first. “Aye aye, Captain!” He reels his fists back, the 8 foot tall alien sledgehammering down into the ground as Pan flies backwards to avoid it. She completely dodges, before pressing her hand on the hands of Burter, spinning into a kick to his face, blood slinging from his mouth as he’s sent off to the side.

“Crusher Ball!” Jeice throws his signature ki attack at Pan, who ducks beneath it, allowing it to explode behind her. Recoome lunges at her, but she leaps over him, before blasting Jeice and Burter out of the air, then spinning around to kick Ginyu, his face dragging on the ground with his legs in the air.

“You guys suck.” Pan taunts, before she ducks under another crusher ball.

“Oh yeah?!” Ginyu laughs, before spreading his arms. “Then get ready! Change n-”

He’s suddenly stomped into the ground, standing on his skull is Vegeta, looking.. Exactly how he looked ten years ago. Saiyans really do just age slower, it seems-

“Pan.” He greets flatly, though you can’t really call it a greeting. “I suppose Piccolo trained you well.”

“Yeah, he’s pretty smart– What are you doing way out here?”

“I felt the energy of these clowns.” The prideful warrior chuckles with a smug grin, staring at the other four members. “I’ll take it from here.” He disappears, reappearing with his fist already in Guldo’s stomach. He then appears behind Burter, who leans back, frightened at the Prince’s speed, before his armor cracks apart from a series of invisible impacts.

Recoom screams at Vegeta, starting to power up a devastating move, but he’s suddenly face first in the rocky ground, and dragged across it violently.

Jeice yelps, before jumping up to fly away, but Vegeta appears in front of him, upside down. “Die.” He whispers coldly, before blasting him to ashes in a simple energy wave.Pan stares up at the Saiyan Prince, who easily trivializes the group she was already curb stomping– But with such speed that even she couldn’t see him. “I.. Guess I have a long way to go…” She forces a laugh.

“So, what happened out here? Where did they come from?” The Prince questions.

“Well, you see, it.. Started with a crystal..”

#Dragon Ball#Ginyu Force#Vegeta#Pan#but like the dragon ball Pan not the sexuality pan#though Pansexual people are valid and I love you <3


Dec 9, 2023

what am i writing nextOPTION A: A Mahito thing where he's just as gross as scary as usual, orOPTION B: something from a ......... different manga series ;3

#jjk#mahito#anime#manga#writing#you decide for me lol


Dec 7, 2023

The Devil of the Zenin Clan

"Naoya, you should always be careful, for there exists a terrifying man." Naoya's mother sits by his bedside. "Zenin Toji." "Who's Toji?" Naoya asks, looking over to his mother.

"A demon... A man with no cursed energy that the entire clan fears, we exiled him, but there's always a chance he could simply come back..." She explains. "You must be brave, and strong enough to fight this monster..."Naoya only saw Toji once after this. When he traveled around, and grew angry when he saw the Gojo clan's heir... A cold, dead stare, a scar on his lip, and... He couldn't even sense this man, the talented child Naoya Zenin could not even detect Zenin Toji. . . . "f*ck!" Naoya falls down, crawling away, gasping, his blood running cold. "You're not Toji! You're never gonna f*cking BE Toji!" He looks back to see the cold stare of Maki Zenin, as she raises her blade. In that moment, he could see his face. That beast. And that beast is now within her. Without a word, Maki drives the blade down, the cold metal slashing his lung, his heart, as he gasps, reaching for the hand of God which will never find him.

#maki zenin#jjk#naoya zenin#toji fushiguro#this is a very short one but i felt like it


Nov 29, 2023

You Can Do Anything (A Satosugu short)

"Honestly," Satoru Gojo sits down on the couch, one leg over the other as he stares up at the ceiling. "Those higher ups.. They wanna kill Okkotsu, can you believe that?" Suguru Geto was just finishing up some coffee when Satoru walked in, he steps over to the couch, handing him a mug. "I put in extra creamer.""Thanks." He sips it. Suguru remembers Riko, how she was doomed to die because the higher ups said so.. And it was Geto that changed that, offering to have her walk away from Tengen. He looks over. "... I helped Amanai, so you can help Okkotsu." Satoru looks over, eyes widening slightly. ".. Yeah, guess you got a point.. You sure I'll be able to just *change* things, just like that?" "You're the strongest, Satoru." He puts his hand on Satoru's cheek, giving him a patient smile. "You're more than good enough to protect the weak. You could tear apart this oppressive Jujutsu world with your hands behind your back." Satoru feels a smile cross his face, chuckling. "You called me a narcissist yesterday, Suguru. Now you're stroking my ego?" "Well, there's a difference between your invulnerability, and your transparent vulnerability." Suguru replies. "Because you aren't alone at the top, you can feel safe opening up to me. I appreciate it when you do. And despite your ego, your destructive nature, and .. How inconsiderate you can be sometimes, you truly can do anything." Satoru just.. Chuckles. "You're too much.""

#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#satoru gojo#geto suguru#suguru geto#satosugu


Nov 29, 2023

What if Sukuna Wasn't Evil

ok i get the point of Sukuna being evil, it literally makes the story work the way it's supposed to, and I think it's perfect that he is evil. With that out of the way, lemme cook. ---

"Master Sukuna."

"Uraume?" Sukuna looks back, smiling.

"Who's she?"

"They," Sukuna corrects, "are a very important friend of mine." He kneels down to get eye level with them. "It's nice seeing you again-" Sukuna flinches for a moment, looking over. "… We'll catch up in a moment, Uraume. One of this brat's friends are in danger."

"Yes, of course, Master. I'll await your return."

"While we're at it, unseal that Satoru Gojo individual from the prison realm."

"Wh-- What?" Uraume, confused by this, looks up at Sukuna.

"He's strong. He doesn't deserve that treatment."

Uraume, eyes lighting up slightly at this showing of humility and respect, nods. "Right away, Master." They disappear.


"Oh, f*ck YOU!" Shigemo trembles, whimpering as Mahoraga steps closer, and closer before-- Sukuna saves him, hand pressed on Megumi to heal him.

"Can't die on us yet, Fushiguro… But this is that legendary technique you kept teasing. What a wonderful creature.." He waves his hand, and its arms fly off.

"Careful, Sukuna.. There could still be civilians in the area."

"Of course, brat.. Why do you think I'm doing this quickly?"

#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#ryomen sukuna#sukuna#uraume#what if#i just really like the pink haired murder goblin hes so cool


Nov 22, 2023

i think Sukuna would grow greatly irritated when people refer to Uraume by the wrong pronouns

#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#ryomen sukuna#sukuna#uraume


Nov 19, 2023

Too Human (a remake of an old demon slayer short)

A woman rushes down an alleyway, evading the drunken man. He was angry that she didn't answer his every call, his every command. To him, and to society, she was lesser, meant to serve the man she was written off to marry. She slips in the damp mud, falling down, as the man looms over her, like a monster in the dark. However, what happened next left her confused. A man with gray-ish skin, dark blue tattoos lands in front of her, blocking the man from her. His hair, unnaturally pink, his musculature greater than most men she's seen. "Get out of the way, this isn't your business, freak." The man slurred his words, throwing a punch at this strange person, who simply backhands the man's head clean off, his body thudding on the ground. The woman, terrified of what she just saw... Was less terrified of this than the monster she had escaped. "Th.. Thank you." She whispers out, standing up slowly. "Get lost." His whispery, venomous voice commands, he looks back, yellow eyes glowing, reading "3" in the eye that she could see. "It's not safe out here for a woman of your age this late." And just like that, he was gone.......Thank you. Why did those words bother him so much? He perches on a cliffside, staring down at the city below him. A loud pop is heard, as lights shine from above. He flinches at first, but when he sees the colors, his eyes widen, and he simply takes it all in. For once, he didn't feel like a demon. And for once, he was okay with that.

#Akaza#Demon Slayer#references to his past#Hakuji
ruby says things @candiwave - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.